Page 50 of Keeping Promises
Chapter Seventeen
Once we’ve stopped laughing, Cash and I quickly fill her in on what the doctor said to each of us, and she smiles happily.
“I'm so glad it's not for too much longer,” she replies, and then her face becomes stern, “just remember, you need to take it easy still. You’re healing, and if you push it too much now, they might decide that you can’t have your casts off in four weeks, and then you’ll have to keep them on for longer.”
“Why are you mostly only looking at me?” I ask her, knowing full well that out of the three of us, I’ve been the most difficult when it comes to resting and healing.
She raises an eyebrow and gives a look that says, ‘Are you fucking kidding me?’ before she replies, “You know exactly why. Cash is a good patient; even Jensen has been better behaved than you, and he can’t sit still in any situation.”
I try to hold back my smile as I reply, “I know. I promise I will be good. There is no way that I want to risk not having the cast off in four weeks and instead having to wait longer.”
“Good,” she smiles. Becoming serious again, she turns her attention to Jensen, whose smirk instantly falls as he anticipates what she’s going to say, “The doctor said that you can start walking, but it’s snowing still, so please for the love of everything, use the treadmill in the gym, if we have to come to rescue your ass because you’ve gotten stuck in the snow, I will be so mad.”
Jensen pouts momentarily but then grins, “You got it, Angel. I’m just happy that I don’t have to stay as still anymore.”
After that, the conversation switches gears, and we just chat for the rest of the journey. We all received good news today and although we know we’re most likely going to have to take a step back with the actual extraction of Rylie, we can still be there and we can support our family in other ways. It does make me feel better that we have Jynx and her men with us on this one. They’re the perfect backup and family, so they’ll protect each other.
Everyone at home is happy for us, and we spend the rest of the day making plans for what’s going to happen tomorrow and making sure that everyone is on the same page. Ace and Pete have been working all day on the second location, and although they think they’re closer, they still don’t know where it is. I have every faith that they’re going to figure it out though. Between them, their experience and knowledge is astronomical.
We've just finished filling all of the others in on what the doctors said, and Rafe is dishing up dinner while Jensen has disappeared, no doubt to start working out already when my phone goes off, and I glance down at the screen and see an update message from Mr R.
"Guy's Mr R just messaged," I announce, and when I'm sure I've got all their attention, I continue, "he said that the other family was safe as expected and that after an extremely thorough autopsy, they did find a small chip in Gauld. The tech team has deactivated it, and they're now trying to work on a way to block the signal and detect them in the future. They want Pete as soon as he's available."
"That's not surprising," Ever says, pulling out her phone, "I'll send him a message now and get him to tell Jynx and the others too, then I'll go down and tell Jensen."
"Good idea," I reply with a smile.
"Dinner will be ready in ten," Rafe announces, effectively ending the conversation as everyone starts to help lay the table.
“Hey, Sweetheart,” I greet Ever as she lets herself into my room and effectively distracts me from my thoughts.
My eyes drag over her body; she’s only wearing a tiny pair of lace underwear; she puts her hands on her hips and gazes at me as she nibbles her lip and drives me fucking mad.
“I really miss you.” She says, and I know she doesn’t mean that she hasn’t seen me, she has a look in her eyes.
“Fuck I’ve missed you too,” I reply, not even trying to hide my desire for her as I move the covers and add, “Come here?”
She takes a step and then pauses, her face becoming stern, which honestly just turns me on more, “If I come over there, I’m on top. You need to be careful of your leg, and if it hurts at any point, we stop, got it?”
I nod, looking like a damn bobblehead in my enthusiasm, “I promise, now get your sexy fucking ass over here.”
“Yes sir,” she replies, her voice husky as she saunters over to me, taking her time and slipping her fingers into the sides of her underwear as she works them down her hips until she’s standing at the edge of the bed, and gazing down at me, looking stunning and beautiful, just fucking perfect.
Fortunately, I sleep naked, so there’s no awkward undressing trying to free my dick, which would be awkward because of the cast.
I reach for her, and she swings her leg over me so that she’s straddling me, her hands on my chest, her nails making small half-moon indents that make me shudder. She keeps her hips raised, as my hands run over her ass, and up her back, one of them threading into her hair, and I use the grip to pull her face down to mine, my tongue immediately demands access, and she easily allows it.
I can’t really move, which is going to be complicated. I don’t particularly like staying in one position, but with my leg how it is, I don’t really have much choice. My hands work, though. As her lips mold against mine and she lowers her hips grinding against my already hard as steel dick and making me groan with pleasure, I allow one of my hands to brush against her boob before I move my fingers to roll and pinch her nipple. I know the pressure she likes; I know how far to take that pain pleasure, and her hips buck against mine as I pluck and pinch her nipple.
“Now, Trick,” she murmurs huskily against my lips.
I’d typically insist on playing for just a bit longer, making her fall apart at least once before I feel her walls clench around my dick, but if she wants me inside her now, then that’s what she’ll get.
She lifts her hips as I line myself up, and then she pulls away from my lips, her eyes on mine as she slowly lowers herself. I start to raise my hips to meet her, and she stops moving entirely.