Page 6 of Keeping Promises
“Well, it’s not going to be boring, at least.” I chuckle. “They’re arriving the same day as the Parents? The day before Christmas Eve?”
Jynx nods, “I think so, although D said that he’d try and get up sooner if he can, I think he’s looking forward to the break.”
“Okay, cool. Did you talk to Lucien to see if there’s a house for them in town? Will they be okay sharing? Do they have any dietary requirements that we need to be aware of? I’ve never cooked for any of them,” as soon as I start asking questions, they just carry on tumbling out of me, and I can’t seem to stop them as I keep thinking of more.
Luc pulls me down onto his lap, which is clever because I have no idea when I stood up in the first place. “Take a breath, Firecracker, one thing at a time. It’s only one extra person, and I’m sure that whatever they decide to throw at you, you will be able to handle it.”
“And remember, you’re not the only one cooking. I am too,” Rafe reminds me, sounding far too calm considering we’ve got so many people to entertain.
I smile, “Let’s be honest, Big Guy, you’re the one that’s going to be doing most of the cooking. I’m just helping you prep.”
“The most important part,” he points out with a smile.
“To answer your questions,” Jynx interrupts with a smile, “they will be absolutely fine sharing. They’ve done missions where they’ve had living quarters that are much closer than that. They don’t have any dietary requirements, so you’re good there, and Rafe already asked me that about Alaric and D.”
“You did?” I interrupt, looking at Rafe.
He smiles his tiny smile as he nods, “Yeah, Baby, I did.”
“So what you’re saying is, you’ve already thought of everything, and I’m freaking out for no reason?” I smirk, realising that it's all been taken care of and there’s nothing really for me to be worrying about. In response to my question, though, Rafe just smiles.
“Yeah, Ever, I think that’s what he’s saying,” Jynx smirks, and I stick my tongue out at her.
“Right, there’s not much else that can be done today anyway,” Trick starts, “so why don’t we all head to bed and get some sleep? We’ve got a busy few days ahead of us anyway, and we can’t do anything about the Rylie situation until after Christmas. So, we’re going to enjoy the next few days and try to put it out of our minds while Peter’s program does its thing and finds the locations where Rylie made her check-ins so that we can check surveillance and see if we can get eyes on her and anyone who she was with.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” Rome agrees as he gets up, “I’m sure we’ll see you guys at some point tomorrow.”
“Definitely,” I reply with a smile as I get up and hug Jynx.
“Call us if you need a hand with setting anything up for Christmas, and any work stuff can wait until after Christmas,” Rip says firmly, giving me a look like he knows I’m not going to be able to stick to that request.
“We’ll try and make sure she does.” Rafe smiles, pulling me under his arm.
“See you later, guys,” Mason says as they all head out of the door.
After a quick tidy-up, we all head upstairs, Atlas and Rage helping Trick and Jensen up them, which Jensen absolutely hates, but he doesn’t have much choice. I have to admit that I’m slightly worried about how he’s going to cope if it takes him longer than expected to heal. He’s so used to being active and extremely active at that, and he’s already getting frustrated about how quickly he’s healing despite the fact that he’s healing a lot quicker than they thought he would.
Thankfully, it’s something that I’m aware of, so at the first sign that he’s really starting to struggle, I’ll come up with some way to distract him. Hopefully, he will feel it a lot less because we’ve got Christmas now, which means we’re taking it reasonably slowly anyway, and then afterward, Mr R didn’t mention putting us on any other jobs, so that means that the Rylie job is our top priority and the only thing that we’re working on, and that’s going to be a lot of waiting around and doing research before we do the actual rescuing, and we will fucking rescue her.
By the time that we get to the rescuing, Jensen should hopefully be well enough that he’s going to be able to be involved like he usually would.
“Stay with me tonight?” he asks me as the guys walk him down the hallway to his bedroom.
I smile, “I’d love to. Just let me get some PJs.”
He looks back over his shoulder at me and smirks, Atlas and Rage start to smile clearly, already guessing what Jensen is about to say as he tells me, “What makes you think you’re going to need pyjamas?”
I roll my eyes and raise my eyebrow, “Really? Even if I’m on top and you don’t have to do fuck all, which you will be incapable of doing anyway, it will still hurt you.”
Jensen sticks his tongue out at me, his eyes lighting up with amusement, “Fine, you may have a point. Give me a few days though, and you're mine, Angel.”
“I’m yours regardless, Jensen.” I remind him, and his eyes soften. “I’ll meet you in your room.”
“Come on, you smooth talker, let's get you sorted.” Rage teases.
“Fuck you,” Jensen replies with no real heat.
Once I’ve got my Pj’s, I quickly head to Trick and Cash’s rooms to make sure that they don’t need anything because although their injuries aren’t nearly as severe as Jensen’s, they're most likely going to take longer than him to heal because of where their broken bones are. So, whereas Jensen is worse and needs more help now, they're going to need help for longer. They still need to take it easy, and I want to make sure that they’ve taken their pain meds and are both comfortable.