Page 72 of Keeping Promises
“Good, have at it,” she replies.
I don’t know why I suddenly feel nervous, but I do; it’s an excited kind of nervous, and I share a huge grin with Atlas and Jensen, who both look just as excited as I am.
“I’m not going to lie; I’m super jealous that you get to go first,” Jynx teases, a smile on her face as she adds, “I’m next!”
“Everyone ready?” I ask, just to double-check because this is going to be freaking loud, and I know that.
They all nod, and I grin, my hand hovering over the button, as I look to where Lyric said that the first explosion would go off. I feel like I should probably do a countdown or something, and I know the others are probably expecting me to, and it’s for that reason that I don’t. I decide to shock them instead and slam my hand down on the detonator far too enthusiastically for the size of the button.
My grin is manic as the wind from the blast hits me in the face, and I watch the explosion before me. The boom is so loud that it shakes the ground beneath me and makes my smile widen even more as I watch the fiery explosion take a considerable chunk out of the rock wall.
“Shit, a little warning next time!” Jynx exclaims.
Ace reaches out to high-five me, his eyes twinkling with happiness. He loves explosions, and actually, he’s incredibly knowledgeable about them too. If I ever find myself face to face with a bomb, I seriously hope that he’s there to help diffuse it because although we do have training in how to diffuse bombs, just in case, nothing can compare to the years of experience that Ace has and he does have years, despite being so young, and I don’t know the details of exactly how he can have years of knowledge despite his age, I just know that his knowledge is extensive.
The rest of the afternoon, we spend blowing stuff up, and of course, the guys come out with as many movie and TV show lines as they can, getting more and more ridiculous the longer that they go on. Their antics have Jynx, Lyric, and me all in fits of giggles.
Eventually, we run out of explosives, and I’m impressed that we managed to stay out here for as long as we have. It’s late afternoon now, and we’re all grinning as we head back to the car.
Once we’re inside the car and heading back toward the town, Atlas says, “The others are going to be so fucking mad that they didn’t come along.”
“We can come back at some point,” Lyric replies with a smile, looking tired as she adds, “Can we stop for coffee before you drop us back?”
“Of course,” Atty replies before adding, “Jynx, do you want us to drop you guys home while we’re down here? You can pick up the car when you next come up?”
“Yeah, actually, that sounds good. It’s surprisingly tiring blowing stuff up,” Jynx admits as she lifts Ace’s arm and snuggles down on his chest.
“Coffee first?” Atlas asks with a teasing grin, knowing full well that she's going to want to get coffee before we head home.
“Duh,” Jynx replies, rolling her eyes.
We’ve just finished dropping everyone off and are heading back home when my phone starts to ring, and I pull it out of my pocket, seeing that it’s Trick. I don’t bother putting it on speakerphone this time since I don't need to. I really only do that when we’re getting updates from someone about a case or something important.
“Hey, Trick,” I answer, sipping my coffee.
“Hey, Sweetheart, you sound a lot more relaxed,” he replies, and I can hear the smile in his voice.
“Yeah, I am. We got to blow stuff up,” I reply excitedly.
“I am entirely unsurprised that something that would usually stress people out is something that relaxes you,” Trick teases lightheartedly.
“Hey, I never claimed to be normal,” I retort.
“And we wouldn’t have you any other way.” He replies and then becomes serious as he adds, “I don’t want to cut your day short, but I was just wondering when you’re thinking of heading back?”
I frown slightly at the way that he’s chosen to word that. It’s almost like he needs us back home for some reason. “We’re actually on the way back now. Is everything okay?”
“Good. Everything is fine; I just got a call from Raiden about Jensen’s case. It can wait until you get here though.” Trick explains.
“Got it. We’re heading up the drive now. See you in a minute,” I reply and then hang up. Turning to face a curious looking Jensen, I explain, “Raiden called, and it sounds like there’s an update on your case. He said that he’d explain more when we get inside.”
Jensen’s expression tightens as he nods, “Alright, let’s get inside then.”
Atlas stops the car outside our home and then glances back at me. I nod in answer to his silent question, and he gets out. As Jensen goes to get out as well, I lay my hand on his arm, stopping him.
When he glances back at me, I ask gently, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m just hoping it’s good news. I’ve been waiting for so long to be able to close that part of my life properly. Not the part with my sister and my mom, obviously, but the ending. I want to be able to look back with a smile, remember just the good, and not have it all be tainted by the way that it ended.” Jensen replies.