Page 8 of Keeping Promises
“Feel better?” Jynx asks me as she starts to wrap her hands, and they both look at me with understanding. That’s why I love these two women like sisters; they get me and understand the more complicated part of myself.
“Yeah, loads,” I reply.
“Good, let's spar then.” Jynx smirks and then sends a raised eyebrow look to Lyric, who is taping up her hands as well. “You’re on the bag.”
Lyric rolls her eyes, “I know, I’m already fed up with not being able to fight properly, but at least I can still knock around a punching bag.”
“It’s going to be so worth it though,” I tell her, and then add with a huge smile, “I can’t wait for baby cuddles.”
“Neither can I,” Jynx adds, and Lyric’s smile widens.
There’s not much need for talking after that as Lyric starts some music up on the sound system, and Jynx and I get into position. We follow the usual rules, except we add a no face shots rule since it’s Christmas in a couple of days, and the parents are coming up. I know for a fact that they aren’t going to take it very well if we’re covered in bruises with split lips or eyebrows.
We spar until we’re both thoroughly exhausted, and somehow, neither one of us manages to get the upper hand, which rarely happens when we fight. Eventually, we’re both breathing really heavily, with sweat dripping down us, and Lyric calls it for us since she knows that we’re both stubborn enough that we’d most likely fight until one of us passes out from exhaustion.
“That was a good call stopping us,” Jynx breathes out heavily before she chugs her water.
“You know, I love it when you’re in town; I get a proper workout.” I tell her, and now that I’m feeling a hell of a lot more relaxed, I ask, “Do you know what day D and the others are coming up? You said yesterday that you weren't sure.”
Jynx’s smile grows, “Yeah, they should be here this afternoon actually. That's one of the reasons why I came up now.”
“Good. I’m glad that we’re going to get a few days of unfiltered shenanigans before the parents arrive, and we have to start being careful about what we say.” I reply. It’s not really a big deal; it’s just the nature of our work and how our lives are, but it does mean that we have to be a bit more careful about what we say, especially when we’re all drinking.
Thankfully, the parents are amazing, and even if we do slip up occasionally, they know enough about what we do that they don’t ask any questions, or if they do accidentally ask a question that we can’t answer, they don’t take offense when we tell them that we can’t answer.
“Jensen, Ace, and Ezra are all upstairs trying out different cocktail recipes; that’s actually why we’re up here already, and Ezra assured me that they’re also making some mocktails for me so I don’t feel left out, although Ace renamed them mom-mocktails,” Lyric adds, with a chuckle.
“So they’re going to be wasted way before the others arrive, then?” I ask as I start to gather my stuff so that I can go and shower and get ready for the day.
“I think they’re actually being quite sensible about it. It helps that Jensen can’t actually drink that much because of his meds, so it's slowing the others down too,” Lyric points out.
“Rafe and Riot were making a pretty hearty-looking breakfast when we came down here and muttering about lining their stomachs or something,” Jynx adds, looking amused.
“Well, I’m starving after that workout. I’ll meet you guys up there. I’m assuming you’re using the showers down here?”
“Yep, I feel gross now,” Jynx grimaces.
“And we’re starving,” Lyric adds, smiling as she rubs her stomach.
We split up, and I head upstairs to my room, yelling hello to my guys and Lyric and Jynx’s too, as I move past.
“Breakfast will be ready in five,” Rafe calls after me.
“Got it,” I yell back.
Despite knowing that food is waiting for me and being incredibly hungry, I spend way longer than five minutes in the shower. I can’t help it; my shower is amazing, and I need it after that workout. When I do make it downstairs, everyone is gathered around our newly acquired massive dining table in the extension and are passing each other food down the length of it. The sight of all of my chosen family gathered together, except for Noel’s team, who are missing, fills me with so much happiness and is an obvious sign of how much my life has changed for the better.
On the way to take my seat, I stop next to Rafe and Riot and kiss them both, “Thank you for making breakfast.”
“I didn’t really do much, but I’ll take the thank you kisses,” Riot replies, his lips tilting up into a smirk.
“You always do more than you give yourself credit for,” Rafe chastises, smiling at him affectionately and kissing his cheek.
“You guys always work well together, and I just wanted you to know that I’m grateful for the meals that you cook us, and I don’t take it for granted,” I tell them both, but Rafe especially, since he has taken over the majority of the cooking duties.
Rafe grins and pulls me down onto his lap, “Thank you. But you know that I love cooking and experimenting. You also know that I would bring it up if I didn’t want to cook for everyone most of the time. That was one of your rules when we first got together, that we communicate and tell each other if we’re struggling with something. None of us have forgotten that, and all of us make sure we stick to it.”
I smile, “I know, but I’m just making sure.”