Page 90 of Keeping Promises
“Us too,” the others reply from the various places they are around the giant house. We fall silent as we enter, and we’ll stay silent unless something goes wrong. We need to remain under the radar for as long as possible in order to have the best chance of finding Rylie and Quinn.
I still can’t believe he is here. We only met him maybe once or twice, but we have heard so many stories about him over the last couple of years, always followed by this matching look of sadness and loss. They are still incredibly affected by his absence, and I can’t even begin to fathom what they must be going through now, especially those of them who stayed home with Lyric.
I refocus as we head through the door, and it’s a damn good job I did because we come face to face with the end of a gun. I pull the trigger of my own gun before he can, and he drops to the floor.
Sharing a grin with Luc, we push forward, clearing the house before we head toward where the blueprints showed the basement entrance and where we planned to meet.
Let’s do this.
“Time to move in, Alaric,” Trick says through the earpieces as soon as he hears that the guys are entering the house.
“Understood,” Alaric replies.
We watch in silence as Alaric instructs all of the teams that he’s brought to move in, and Trick switches between several different bodycams as we watch them surround the enterity of the house.
“Fucking hell, I know he said he brought a lot of agents, but I didn’t realise he meant that many,” Jensen mutters.
“At least we know that there’s very little chance of anyone escaping.” I point out.
“I’m going to split the screens so we can see the teams inside and the approach from the outside too,” Trick says into the tense silence of the van as he presses a few buttons.
I have to admit that I’m glad that this setup is relatively easy to use and that Pete gave us some extra training on how to work everything. Otherwise, this situation would be even more of a nightmare.
Trick presses a button on the earpiece and says to our teams inside, “The house is now surrounded. There’s very little chance that anyone will be getting past them. Flush everyone you can out of the house and then meet at the basement entrance. Hopefully, Rylie and Quinn will be down there.”
“Got it,” Ever replies for all of them.
It’s reassuring to hear her voice, as it always is when we do one of these jobs.
“Here they come,” I say as we watch people starting to move away from the house. “Keep an eye out for Hunt. We don’t want him getting away, and he could easily get lost in the crowds of people flooding out of the house.”
There’s no need to reply as we all watch, and more and more people are taken into custody as they come out of the house. Seeing that Alaric has clearly got the outside situation under control, I turn my attention back to the screens that are showing the inside of the house.
It’s understandably taking the team a long time to clear the inside of the house, mainly because it’s so massive and has so many different rooms. That’s why we decided to send them all in and in as many entrances as they possibly could so that we could try and get the house cleared quickly.
We all hold our breath as a fight breaks out between Ever, Rage, and Rafe and some unknown assailants, who are incredibly well trained, but then again, so is our family, and they quickly dispatch them as Ever smiles victoriously.
“I love it when she gets all bloodthirsty,” Jensen says, his voice dreamy and filled with love.
I’d tease him for finding something like our girlfriend being bloodthirsty and making him go all mushy, but quite honestly, it does something to me as well. She’s magnificent and gets this confidence about her when she’s armed and fighting for something that she believes in. She is such an amazing mix of contradictions when she’s not on duty, as it were, she’s soft and funny, always with a bit of bite and mischief to her, but as soon as she’s on a job, it's like a switch gets flipped, she’s confident, deadly and so fucking capable, she could lead if she was so inclined and we all know that.
Finally, it seems like they’re happy that they’ve cleared enough of the house that they’re happy to head to the meet-up point.
“We’ve cleared our section, heading to the basement entrance now,” Atlas says to the others over the earpieces and then adds, “no sign of Rylie and Quinn up here, and we haven’t seen Hunt either.”
The others reply that they’re either on the way or they’ve got one more room to search, and then they will be down. No one else seems to have found Hunt either, and I share a concerned look with Trick and Jensen.
Trick is clearly on the same wavelength as I am because he gives them a warning through the earpieces, “We saw that Hunt was here on the satellite footage. Just be really careful. It wouldn’t surprise me if he had a safe room or something similar in the property.”
“Understood,” Ezra is the one to reply this time.
“Stick to the plan, locate Rylie and Quinn now that you’ve cleared the house. I have the outside being watched like a hawk, and as soon as you’ve got Rylie and Quinn, we will send them in to do a more thorough check of the house. Our objective is just to get those two out.” I remind them gently.
“Got it, we’ll keep you updated,” Jynx replies.
They’re working surprisingly well in this sort of situation, considering they aren’t used to following these kinds of rules, but then again, they do jobs together like we used to; they just aren’t legal, and if they get caught, they go to jail too, whereas we don’t because we’re law enforcement. I understand, now more than ever, why they can’t be a part of Mr R’s organisation with us, but I know it would make Ever worry less if they were.