Page 92 of Keeping Promises
I turn to look at Rylie, “What about you? Are you good?”
“Of course,” she replies like it’s a no-brainer, and I’d push the subject, but I feel like we’re running out of time.
“Did you find Hunt?” Quinn suddenly asks as we start to head up from the basement.
“No, and we’ve checked the house from top to bottom to flush everyone out,” Rage replies.
“I know where he is,” Quinn replies, “I can take you to him. He’s got a safe room here.”
“Are you sure you’re up to that?” I ask, concern lacing my voice. I know he doesn’t know me, but I’ve heard so many stories about him from Lyric, and he’s a part of this family, even if he doesn’t realise it yet.
He smiles at me, looking slightly confused about the amount of concern that I’m showing him, and he replies, “Thank you, Ever. I think I remember your name being,” he pauses while I nod and then continues, “I refuse to leave this place without taking him with me. He’s so fucking dangerous, and I can guarantee that you guys haven’t even scratched the surface of what he’s involved with.”
“Understood,” I agree with a sharp smile.
“Here, man,” Riot says as he offers him one of his weapons, and I give Rylie one of mine and a knife because I have a feeling that she likes using them as much as I do and judging from her smile, I’m right.
“Trick, did you get that man?” Atty says, and Quinn looks confused.
As Ezra quietly explains it to him, Trick answers, “Yeah, I’ll keep Alaric and the periphery team outside. Just let us know when you want me to send them in.”
“Yes, boss,” Atty replies, and Quinn once again looks shocked, poor guy.
Chapter Thirty
“Quinn, you’d better lead the way,” Rage offers as we part to let him through.
It doesn’t escape my notice that Ezra and Creed stick close to him and don’t let him get too far away. I don’t think they’re going to let him out of their sight for a while. Quinn is a big son of a bitch, with broad shoulders and as tall as Alaric, he’s covered in tattoos, but he’s also peppered with cuts and bruises, some of them healing and some of them new. I can tell just by looking at him that he’s been through hell, and he’s going to need some help to deal with it in a healthy way.
We keep our weapons drawn and stay alert as we head through the house. I wasn’t a part of the team that looked down here, so nothing is familiar to me. Quinn stops at the end of the hallway and pushes on a panel that opens easily under his touch into an elaborately decorated office.
I expected that we’d have to search the room to look for the safe room where Hunt would be hiding, but instead, he’s sitting behind his desk smiling at us and looking like he’s very much at ease and not as concerned as I feel he should be.
His eyes run over Quinn and Rylie, “I should’ve known that you two would be involved in this. I must admit that it may have been a bit over-ambitious on my part to try to turn two of Mr Rising’s top agents against him.”
“Not an agent cunt,” Quinn replies drily, having intentionally mispronounced his name, although I do think that cunt suits him a lot better.
I don’t know what it is about what Quinn said or Quinn himself, but any composure that Hunt had disappears in an instant.
He jumps to his feet, and there’s a resounding sound of triggers cocking. Despite the fact that he’s got so many guns pointed at him, it doesn’t seem to deter him at all, and more than that, he doesn’t seem to notice Jynx moving one way as I move the other so that we can corner him and get him restrained.
He’s too busy getting angry as hell at Quinn, “I could’ve given you the fucking world. We could’ve ruled together if you weren’t so stubborn.”
Quinn scoffs, seeing what Jynx and I are doing and deciding to help us out by continuing to distract him even more, “You mean if I didn’t have morals and was a psychopath?”
“How dare you!” Hunt bellows, sounding genuinely unhinged.
Again, Quinn laughs, which seems to wind him up even more, and Quinn looks at Rylie, “What do you think, Ry? Was there any chance that we were going to break?”
“Not a fucking chance,” Rylie replies, and I watch as her expression gets dark, and she adds, “his attempts were pathetic.”
That is clearly the breaking point for Hunt, and he lunges forward. Fortunately, Jynx and I know each other well enough that we can predict what the other one is going to do, and while I swing out my leg and strike him in the gut, Jynx is then immediately ready to pounce and has him secured with his arms behind his back and unable to move before he even knows what’s happened.
“And that’s enough bullshit from you,” I comment.
“Thank fuck, I couldn’t listen to that shit for much longer,” Rafe mutters, earning a glare from Hunt, who wisely decides to stay quiet, although I think that has more to do with him still trying to catch his breath from my kick rather than him suddenly understanding that he’s in a pretty precarious position and has suddenly lost all of the power that he thought he had.
“Do you want me to send the others in?” Trick asks over the earpieces.