Page 15 of Perfect Blend
I wake up to an empty bed. Normally that’s the new norm, but I know Victor slept at least part of the night. I woke up around three to use the bathroom and I went ahead and brushed my teeth too.
No need to have even worse morning breath.
Just in case he would want to go again.
I pull on my robe and head to my kitchen. I see a note on my fridge. I laugh out loud at his nickname for me. I know I snore, didn’t think it was something I should notify dates about.
I hold the note against my chest for a moment.
Last night really happened.
I bared my insecurities and in turn Victor opened himself up to me. Whether we slept together due to heartache and needing comfort, or just the magnetic pull between us, I don’t regret it. Not one bit.
Sallyand I have been texting every day. I’ve invited her over to the roastery for this afternoon. Marie wants to start holding brewing and tasting classes. What better way than to test run her class curriculum outline by using it as a fun date with Sally?
Plus, Sally drinks her coffee black, so she’ll be a great coffee taster.
I follow Marie’s instructions and pull out three different beans. Next, I set up the French press and the pour over. Lastly, for the tasting part, I get the little snacks from the fridge and cabinets. On two small plates I arrange apple slices, cherries, walnuts, dark chocolate squares, and graham crackers.
There’s some overlap with grind sizes for the two brewing methods, so I’ll save some time there. I’m in the middle of measuring out beans when I hear a “hello” from the front of the roastery.
Sally walks around the front sales room looking at the different merchandise and beans we have displayed. While I focus more on the beans and growing process, Marie has certainly taken our retail space and made it a mecca for coffee lovers. We carry pop culture themed mugs, sweets, teas, and even some silly shirts and home décor. Apparently, it all sells well, especially with tourists.
“Sally, welcome to the Moon Brew Coffee Roastery.” I wave to her as she turns and smiles.
She’s dressed in dark jeans that hug her frame, a blue tee that accentuates her electric eyes, and her golden hair is pulled back in a ponytail. She looks comfortable and at ease.
“I’m excited about this pretend class!” She beams and walks up to me. Sally kisses my cheek lightly. “I’ve being thinking about it nonstop.”
I’ve been thinking about you nonstop.
Instead of saying what I feel, I just tell her that I’m glad she’s excited and take her hand to lead her to the back room. It’s painted a rich brown with lots of posters hung up. We have a few tables, chairs, and even a couch in here. Currently Marie and I use it to weigh out custom bean orders and store extra stuff. She’s been rearranging it to make it easier to hold small classes.
I pull a chair out for Sally and let her sit before I explain what we’ll be doing. I start with a description of the coffee bean growing, harvesting, and washing process. She has one hand under her chin with her head tilted slightly to the left side. It’s cute, as if she’s actually intrigued by what I’m saying.
“I assume you know the differences between a pour over and a French press?” I pause after talking nonstop about coffee beans for what feels like forever.
“I do,” she adjusts and folds her hands in her lap, “but I’m happy to listen to you talk.” I wonder what’s going on behind those mischievous eyes but continue talking about the brewing methods.
When I get to how we grind the beans, I ask her if she’d like to help.
“Of course,” she gets up to come over to my side of the table. “I’d love to help you grind,” she murmurs as she stands in front of me. “Okay, show me how you grind Vic.”
Oh, this temptress.
My cock is awakened as soon as she calls me Vic. I try to think unsexy thoughts.
Baseball. Fishing. Shaving.
The last one has me picturing us in the shower together. Not helpful.
It’s going to be a long afternoon.