Page 27 of Rage of Her Ravens
I was keenly aware of Nikkos watching me while I watched the girls. Finally, I returned his stare, relieved to see no judgment reflecting in his eyes. “Thank you for taking care of her.”
“You don’t need to thank me.” He stood and held out the bag. “Do you want some candy, too?”
I waved the bag away. “No, thanks.” Truthfully, I wanted a piece but decided to save it for the girls. No doubt, they’d go through what was left of his candy before our journey was over.
“I take back what I said about you,” Ember called from the other end of the cave. “I don’t think you’re bad men, anymore.”
Nikkos splayed a hand across his heart. “I’m honored you don’t think we’re bad.”
I laughed. “All it took was a little candy.”
“No,” Ember called back. “My friends say they’re not bad now that they aren’t going to kill us.”
I grimaced at that.
Nikkos gave me a look. “Her friends?” He turned his gaze to Ember, who was whispering into the darkness. “Is she a spirit talker?”
“Possibly,” I said. “Until tonight I thought her friends were imaginary.” I still had to have a talk with Ember about those friends of hers, but now was not the time, not in front of my mates, anyway. Based on my limited experiences with other Fae, they treated clairvoyants as the pariahs of the magical world. I wouldn’t expose her to their censure.
Nikkos arched a brow. “They warned her we were coming?”
I bit my lip, worried he’d judge her. “Yes.”
“I’m glad they did.” Dragging his hands through his hair, he let out a long breath. “I don’t think you would’ve forgiven us if we’d killed your parents.”
Heat coiled in my chest and spread through my veins. Not only did Nikkos not pass judgment on my niece, but he was actually relieved he didn’t kill my parents. He was so opposite his older brother, and I knew I could easily learn to love a mage like him. “Too bad Draevyn doesn’t feel like you do.”
He shrugged. “I’m sure he does.”
I shook my head, ire pounding a nail in my skull. “He told me I took away the chance to kill your parents’ murderers.”
He sat beside me on the stone slab, concern marring his brow. “He did?”
I felt compelled to scoot away, put a little distance between us, not because I was afraid, but I was terrified of my reaction to him. His mouth had fallen open, and I didn’t trust myself not to test the softness of those kissable lips or trace a finger around his chest’s swirling flame tattoos.
“I’m sorry about your parents, but nobody can lie when I use my siren voice.” I twisted the hem of my robe in my lap, and I suddenly realized how very important Nikkos’s trust meant to me. “My parents might be horrible, but they didn’t kill your parents.” I took a chance and looked into his eyes, a golden brown like warm honey, so relieved when I didn’t see judgment reflecting back at me.
“Did you explain this to Drae?” he asked.
My heart felt like it was imploding as I recalled that nightmare flight in his arms, and my stomach churned at the thought of doing it all over again tomorrow. I wasn’t about to let him carry my nieces, which meant he’d have to carry me again. Goddess help me. “He doesn’t believe me.”
“We’ll talk to him,” Blaze said as he dumped an armful of firewood just inside the mouth of the cavern.
These mages certainly knew how to sneak up on me. Maybe I’d been too absorbed in our conversation, but I hadn’t heard or noticed Blaze land.
I gave Blaze an appreciative smile, and my heart fluttered when he smiled back. That feral gleam in his eyes would’ve unnerved me hadn’t he already told me he felt a need to protect me.
“What happened to Aurora’s arm?” Nikkos asked.
I averted my gaze, watching my nieces as they hopped from one slab to another. “She had an accident.”
“It wasn’t an accident, Auntie,” Aurora called to me. “You cut a stone out of my arm.” Dragon balls. I didn’t want these mages knowing about Aurora’s teleporting abilities. Not until I knew I could trust them. I didn’t want them to try to stop us if we needed to make a quick escape.
Blaze gave me a curious look. “A stone?”
“Aurora,” I warned her, forcing myself to look away from Blaze’s hard stare. “Not another word.”
“Why, Auntie?” she pressed.