Page 39 of Rage of Her Ravens
“As much as I would love to, I can’t,” I said to Blaze. “As you can see, the girls are frightened of Draevyn.”
Blaze’s features fell, but he quickly plastered on a smile. “Looks like it’s you and me again, sprite,” he said to her. “Shall we challenge my brothers to a race?”
She squealed her delight.
I mouthed my thanks to Blaze before going up to Nikkos and Ember, kissing her cheek and thanking Nikkos, too.
Nikkos flashed a devious grin, waggling his brows. “If you’re giving out free kisses, I’ll take one.”
Heat flooded my face and chest. “Not yet. Maybe someday.”
“I’ll be looking forward to someday,” he said with a wink.
I could think of nothing clever to say, especially not as my gut twisted and turned at the thought of spending another day in Draevyn’s arms. I trudged toward Draevyn, the weight of his stare growing heavier with each step.
I folded my arms beneath my cloak. “Well, it looks like you’re stuck with me again.”
“I guess so.” He shifted from foot to foot while scratching the back of his head. “I know we haven’t been getting along, but—”
“I’d rather we didn’t talk,” I interrupted before he could finish. Haven’t been getting along? Is that what he called behaving like a total dragon’s ass?
He arched a brow. “Is that you asking me or forcing me?”
I turned up my nose, refusing to answer as I stood in front of him, waiting for him to pick me up.
“Fine,” he grumbled before sweeping me in his arms and lurching into the sky, causing me to nearly hurl the contents of my stomach. I didn’t dare complain, fearing he’d do it again. Ugh. It was going to be a long flight.
* * *
Elements, he was infuriating. We’d been flying for hours, and he hadn’t said a word to me. I was starting to regret telling him I didn’t want to talk. We flew over an endless sea of huge trees with the looming Periculian mountain range behind them. This mountain range spread the width of the Fae lands, from the southern shore of Delfi to Caldaria, separating the magical realm from the human world on the other side. Of course, we had humans on our side, usually the lower classes unless they possessed magic, but I’d heard about what happened to Fae on the other side of the mountains, from beheadings to lynchings to boiling in hot oil. If that wasn’t a deterrent enough for Fae to cross the mountains, there were trolls and bad weather, not to mention the haunted forest on the other side.
I shuddered to think what was in that forest. My parents had told me it was infested with all kinds of demons. And to think, I’d once tried to cross that mountain range in search of my sister. It had almost cost me my life. I’d survived, but the mental scarring from that trip still ran deep. What a fool I’d been.
I shook my head, trying to clear it of dark thoughts, instead choosing to focus on my two mates flying ahead of us, especially on their deliciously round bottoms and broad backs while the heavy beating of their wings displaced the air.
Blaze slowed his pace and flew beside us.
Aurora smiled widely as she waved to me. “Isn’t this fun, Auntie?” she called.
I forced a smile but didn’t answer. More like torture being carried in Draevyn’s arms, forced to rely on the heat radiating off his hard, broad chest for warmth while trying not to be entranced by his heady scent: sage and spice and something else I could only define as pure male power. Damn, I wished the bastard wasn’t so alluring.
“What’s the matter, brother?” Blaze called. “That fat nose slowing you down?”
Draevyn shifted me in his arms and flashed Blaze a rude gesture.
Aurora gasped.
I rolled my eyes. “Could you not do that around the children?”
He opened his mouth as if to speak, but then must’ve thought better of it. He clamped his lips shut, his nostrils flaring as he stared ahead. He didn’t need to say a word. The rage in his eyes said enough.
Blaze flew ahead of us again, his laughter echoing behind us. I would have to talk to Blaze later about provoking his brother in front of the children. Elements, taking care of two children was enough work. I didn’t need my mates acting like children, too.
Clenching my hands in my lap, I took a chance and looked into Draevyn’s eyes. His nose looked even bigger than before. I wondered why Nikkos hadn’t healed him. Were they punishing him for his treatment of me?
I fought the urge to touch his nose, though I knew it would probably pain him. “Does it hurt?” I blurted.
“I thought you didn’t want to talk.” When I didn’t answer, he let out a growl. “What do you think?”