Page 66 of Rage of Her Ravens
“I hope you’re right.” Nikkos paused, swallowing. “For all our sakes.”
“We’ve all been put in impossible situations.” I swallowed back my sorrow, my heart feeling like it would implode from the weight of the world thrust upon it. “The winds of fate have not been kind to us.”
“No, they haven’t,” Nikkos said on a sigh as he wrapped a strand of my hair around his finger. “Except, they gave us you, Shirina, and for that I will thank the fates every day.”
Emotion tightened my throat, and it took me a moment before I could speak. Biting my lip, I looked up at them through hooded eyes. “You may both call me Shiri if you like.”
Blaze scooted closer to me, draping a wing over my shoulder. “I’d like that, Shiri.”
Nikkos’s bright smile banished those shadows in my heart. “Shiri?”
I leaned against him when he wrapped a wing around me, the wine swimming in my head. “Yes.”
He gently cupped my chin. “May we have a kiss?”
The air expelled from my lungs as I went boneless in his arms, and I could barely find the strength to speak. “Yes.”
When Nikkos leaned over me, his lips softly grazing mine, I swear starbursts exploded behind my eyes. It could’ve been the effects of the wine, but I preferred to believe his kiss was magical.
“How was that?”
Heat pulsed through me, spreading to that aching spot between my legs. “I feel like my whole body is on fire.”
“Me, too. More so than usual.”
At the sound of Blaze loudly clearing his throat, I turned into his arms, our mouths joining together, his wings wrapping protectively around me. He stroked my face, coaxing me to open to him. My lips parted, and his tongue dove inside. He tasted like sulfur and sweet wine. He deepened the kiss, passionately claiming me, and I melted, melted, until we both tumbled onto the bed.
Nikkos fell with us and turned me into him. I alternated between kissing them both, each kiss growing more passionate as I ran my hands across their hard chests and flat abdomens.
I cried into Blaze’s mouth, arching into him when he tenderly stroked my breast, pinching my nipple through the fabric. I gasped, a zing of lightning shooting through me. His touch was exquisite, and I couldn’t get enough of him.
“Shiri.” Blaze pulled back, panting into my mouth, his hand gently massaging my breast. “If you don’t stop us, we’re going to make love to you.”
My legs involuntarily spread. “Oh.”
Blaze brushed a strand of hair from my brow, the flames of desire swirling in his eyes. “Is that what you want?”
I bit my lip, looking from Blaze to Nikkos. Did I want them? Yes, oh elements, yes! But I had no idea what to do. “I-I,” I stammered, embarrassment heating my face. “I’ve never.”
“That’s okay.” Starlight shone in Blaze’s eyes as his hand moved to the other breast. “We’ll show you.”
My eyelids fluttered shut as I groaned aloud, desire thrumming through me like a heartbeat. Oh elements, I was going to melt into the bed and never recover.
“But if we take your blood, we’ll be able to project our thoughts into your head.”
“W-what?” I slurred, looking at Nikkos through heavy-lidded eyes. “Oh. Like with Tari and me?” I asked them.
Blaze and Nikkos shared a look.
Blaze shrugged. “I think that’s how it works. We’ve never spoken telepathically before.”
Oh, yes, only twin siblings could speak telepathically as far I knew.
“And if you take our blood, we will be able to hear your thoughts, but only when you project them to us.” Blaze’s hand stilled on my breast as he looked deep into my eyes. “Is that what you want?”
I’d be able to mind-speak them? Elements, did I want that? Did I have a choice? I needed them like a drug. I didn’t think I would have the strength to walk away from them now. “I want...” Desire liquified my bones as I melted into the mattress. “I need you to put out these flames,” I spoke on a breathy whisper. “I need your fire.”
Their wings snapped open and their towels fell off, fire swirling in their eyes, the veins in their arms and chests swelling with dark flame. Blaze looked like a wild animal as he grasped his huge erection, his large hand barely wrapping around the thick shaft. I gaped from him to his brother, who was equally huge. Elements, how would they fit? Before I knew what was happening, Blaze removed my gown, exposing my nipples to the cool night air. I instinctively covered my breasts, but he peeled away my arms.