Page 73 of Rage of Her Ravens
Rage of Her Ravens
Part Two
By Tara West
Revelations, Omens, and Apparitions
Chapter Eleven
After flying nearlyall day, Blaze and Nikkos found renewed energy, soaring even faster as we passed familiar landmarks, the last being two adjacent rounded mountain tops that they had lovingly referred to as “Twin Diddies.” Thankfully, they hadn’t said it out loud. They were finally learning to watch their language around the girls.
The girls had become so excited, Nikkos had to land twice to gently reprimand them and readjust the sling. I was so grateful to both my mates for their patience with the girls and thanked the elements their brother wasn’t with us to scold them and berate me for not properly disciplining them. The poor darlings. Though they weren’t fire mages themselves, they certainly had their pappo’s fire in their blood and hated sitting still for overly long. I was surprised they’d lasted this long.
The sun was starting to set, streaking the sky in crimson ribbons, brilliant prisms of light cutting through the clouds. Smiling, I turned my face toward the heavens, letting the last of the light warm my frozen face while filling my lungs with crisp, cool spring air. I’d never felt more alive than when flying in my mates’ arms, the rapid thrumming of their wings matching the wild pounding of my heart. I could soar with them forever.
The sky changed the closer we flew to Abyssus, and I smelled smoke and tasted ash on my tongue. Blaze frowned as the scatterings of ash on the wind began to multiply and the smoke grew thicker.
A forest fire?I asked him through thought.
He grimaced.It must be.
Dread slowed my veins with sludge.Do you think Abyssus is okay?
There’s a thick moat around our walls.There was no mistaking the pride in his voice when he spoke of his home.The fire won’t breach Abyssus. We should fly above the clouds, just in case. Would you tell Nikkos?
Of course,I answered. One downfall of Blaze and Nikkos not being twins was that they couldn’t mind-speak, so they used me as a go-between. I had hoped that we could all mind-speak after the bonding, but that didn’t seem to be the case. I had already asked them to try drinking each other’s blood, and from the looks of disgust they gave me, one would’ve thought I’d asked them to jump in a pile of troll dung.
Nikkos,I called out to my other mate through thought.Blaze wants us to fly above the clouds.
On it,he answered, his wings flapping harder as he shot upward.
I clutched Blaze’s neck, trying not to panic when we were engulfed in a sea of pale mist.
Once we broke through the clouds, I released the breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding. It was much cooler this high up, but the air smelled even fresher. “Oh, it’s much better up here.”
Good,Blaze answered through thought, tenderly kissing my forehead.We wouldn’t want the smoke burning our girls’ eyes.
‘Our girls.’ How thoughtful he was to refer to the twins as his. He was getting extra love tonight. I rested my head against his warm chest.Thank you for thinking of us.
You’re all I think about now, Shiri. I can’t think of anything other than getting you alone in my bedchamber tonight.