Page 84 of Rage of Her Ravens
“I would prefer they sat by me,” I said to Draevyn.
“Of course,” he said, nodding toward the servants, who quickly rearranged the plates.
Aurora was seated next to Draevyn at the head, and I sat between her and Ember. Poor little Aurora leaned away from Draevyn, looking at him as if he was a leviathan about to bite off her head. He folded his hands in front of him, his heavy wings draped over the back of the chair, and he smiled down at the girls as if he’d never scorned them.
I mumbled my thanks when servants poured Draevyn and me glasses of wine and then poured orange liquid in smaller goblets for the girls. They gulped down their drinks, moaning into their cups.
“This is the sweetest tea I’ve ever tasted!” Aurora exclaimed.
“It’s not tea,” Draevyn corrected, smiling behind his goblet. “It’s juice, made from fruit.”
Aurora just gaped at him, then shot me a worried look. I didn’t have to be a mind reader to know she was still afraid of him and probably wondering why he was speaking to her.
I stroked the back of her head. “It’s okay, sweetheart,” I whispered. “Drink your juice.”
She nodded, finishing off the rest of her goblet.
Draevyn motioned toward the girls, and a servant refilled their goblets. I would’ve told them to wait for their supper, but realized they were probably thirsty after their ordeal, so I simply smiled, stroking their heads while they drank.
I slowly sipped my wine. It was mildly sweet and fruity and more delicious than anything I’d ever tasted. I resisted the urge to follow my nieces’ lead and gulp it down.
When the servants brought out baskets of warm rolls and steaming bowls of soup, my nieces smiled nearly ear to ear, hunger reflecting in their eyes. I buttered their rolls for them and tested the soup. It was still too hot, so I instructed them to blow on their spoons. They chose instead to dunk their rolls in the broth, moaning while stuffing the bread into their faces.
“Slow down before you choke,” I warned as they dripped broth from the bread onto their dresses, but it was no use. They were determined to eat like little piglets at the trough.
Draevyn laughed, and I shot him a glare, crushing a roll in my grip.
He shrugged an apology and slanted a grin that was part feral Ravini and part smug lord. “They’ll learn better table manners in time.”
I eyed him through slits. Better in time? Wasn’t this the same dragon’s ass who’d said my nieces were wild, and I didn’t know how to discipline them? Now he wasn’t bothered by their bad table manners? Why the sudden change of heart? I doubted he’d come to his senses after two days without me, which meant he had another reason for being so nice.
A man came out wearing an odd white cap and a stained white apron. I blinked at the fur on his face and his strange ears that twisted and turned like a fawn’s. Then my gaze was drawn to his two bent legs and what looked like deer hooves sticking out from the bottom of his trousers.
Satyr, instinct told me, for he looked just as my father had described.
He smiled at the girls and me and bowed before Draevyn. “Supper will be served momentarily, My Lord.”
“Thank you, Cook,” Draevyn said as he waved a roll in my direction. “I’d like to introduce you to Princess Shirina Avias and her nieces, the princesses Ember and Aurora.”
I froze at the mention of our titles. Was Draevyn intentionally putting targets on our backs?
The satyr bowed toward us. “Your Highnesses.”
“Cook’s family has been with my family for generations,” Draevyn said with an easy smile.
“Crispin Otto Orvyn Kloopenhoof, at your service,” the satyr continued in a friendly manner as he looked at me, “but you may call me Cook.”
I tilted my chin, offering him a warm smile. “What if I prefer to call you Crispin?”
He splayed a hand across his heart, his eyes gleaming with pride. “It would be my honor.”
Aurora wrinkled her nose at him. “Are you a shifter?”
He laughed. “No.”
Ember pointed at his face. “Why are you furry?”
“And why do you have hooves and funny ears?” Aurora asked.