Page 20 of Illegal Contact
First things first, though, I wanted to change. Random people I’d never seen before said hi to me while I worked my way through the crowd to try and find a bathroom.
I finally found it, feeling a little overdressed in the board shorts I’d brought with me. I was happy with my body, but my ass wasn’t walking around in a Speedo. Naked…well, that was a maybe. We’d see how the day went.
I wasn’t back outside for more than five minutes when a beautiful blonde woman approached me, handing me a bottle of beer.
“You’re Malik Tucker.”
I smiled at her. “I feel at a disadvantage here. You know my name, but I don’t know yours.”
“Pfft,” came from behind me, and I turned around to see Whitt. He was wearing a pair of simple black shorts and no shirt, lots of tan skin on display. He had a patch of hair on his chest, abs that should be illegal, even though I saw them on other players all the time, and scruff along his jaw. He was fucking hot and cocky, as always.
“You choking on something? Do I need to do the Heimlich?”
He rolled his eyes. “You wish.” He grabbed a beer from one of the minifridges and walked away. Damned if it didn’t take everything inside of me not to follow him.
“You were saying?” I asked the woman with the great rack. Her swimming suit top was just two small, white triangles.
“Beautiful name for a beautiful woman,” I flirted. Whitt could pfft all he wanted, but I was fucking good at this shit.
“Thank you. Are you here with anyone?” Serenity asked.
I gave her my best grin, then looped my arm with hers. “I am now.”
* * *
Serenity was beautiful,funny, and smart as hell, yet I couldn’t stop my eyes from casing the backyard, looking for Whitt. I’d seen him two or three times in the last few hours. He was with a brunette woman who seemed to hang on his every word like he was the king or something. He wasn’t that fucking interesting…or sexy—okay, maybe on the sexy part.
When I saw Whitt and the woman in the pool, I nodded in that direction. “Want to go swimming?”
“Sure,” Serenity replied.
I noticed a bin full of balls and Frisbees, so I grabbed a football. “Hey! Patrick!”
He looked my way with a scowl just before I threw the perfect spiral at him. He easily caught it, and while he was distracted doing that, I jumped into the water like I was a kid, creating the perfect cannonball right beside him.
His brunette screeched.
“Are you fucking twelve?” he snipped, but I could see how he bit the inside of his cheeks, the corners of his mouth threatening to curve up into a smile.
“Shut up before I dunk you, Bougie.”
“Yeah, like you could do that.”
Serenity laughed from beside him. I quirked a brow at Whitt. “Do you know me? There’s not a challenge I can turn down.” I maneuvered myself so I was closer to him, speaking low for only us. “Unless you do know and it’s what you want. You wanna wrestle with me?”
“You’re a—”
I jumped on him before he could counter, trying to wrestle Whitt beneath the water. I was a bigger guy than he was, but Whitt was a strong motherfucker, so I couldn’t get control of him as easily as I could if I wasn’t fighting another football player.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Whitt asked, trying to work himself free of my hold.
“Oh, I forgot, you’re allergic to fun.”
He growled, but it was just the chance I needed to distract him. I swept my legs through the water, hooking his as I tugged with my upper body. I sank below the surface, dragging Whitt with me. He fought back, somehow working himself so he was in front of me, with his back to me, his ass against my cock. When he jerked himself around, instead of loosening my hold, it just made him rub his ass against my dick, where I was pretty sure all the blood in my body was pooling.
He tensed when he felt it. I thought for sure he would pull away, and this time, I would let him, but he didn’t, Whitt’s strong hand reaching back to grab my hip. He held on, fingers digging into me, which made me make slow circles with my hips so my cock rubbed up and down his crease.