Page 9 of Shattered Illusions
Sheila’s expression grew dreamy. “If only. But really, what gives? All the women in this town drool over that guy. He’s got the tall-dark-and-handsome thing nailed.”
Roxie blew out a breath. Notallthe women.
Jeremy Neville was a good-looking guy. But so what?
Yes, he was tall, and as a woman who stood a little over five-nine, it was hard finding men who weren’t intimidated by her height, especially when she wore heels. And yes, he was a very successful man from an even more successful family.
But, again, so what?
Jeremy wasthatguy. The one whose best friend was a bench press. The one who perpetually talked too loud on speakerphone and thought he was god’s personal gift to mankind. He’d gone to the University of Washington on a football scholarship and was quick to remind everyone within earshot that he “would have gone pro, if I didn’t blow out my knee” and started half his sentences with, “Back when I was playing ball at U-Dub...”
In Roxie’s mind, having an actual conversation with Jeremy was about as much fun as banging her head against a brick wall. While having the worst menstrual cramps ever.
She wrinkled her nose as she glanced at Sheila. This was a conversation she did not want to have at her café, where anyone could overhear. Even on a normal day, Comfort Food was a main stop on the town’s gossip train.
“Jeremy and I don’t have much in common,” she said carefully. “Besides, I prefer to spend my rare free time catching up on sleep, not jumping into the evil dating game and being obligated to make small talk with a guy who has better hair than me.”
Sheila laughed. “All I’m saying is that you might be surprised. I’m sure he’s a nice guy.”
“Like I said,yougo out with him then.”
“Oh, believe me, Roxie, I would if I could, but the guy only has eyes for you. I think you should give him a chance.”
“Who should Rox give a chance?”
Both women turned, and Roxie’s eyes narrowed.
Forget Bonnie Green. Forget Jeremy Neville. Joe Buchanan wasnumero unoon her headache-inducing list. Just being in his presence filled her with agitation.
He was leaning against the archway separating the front of the café from the kitchen, his thumbs hooked into his jeans pockets, that lopsided grin on his face. At six foot two, the man was a lean, fit, blue-eyed, blond-haired Adonis. He looked like a cross between Jude Law and Matthew McConaughey, only younger and better-looking. There truly was no justice in this world.
Her annoyance kicked up a notch when Sheila’s normally friendly smile turned predatory. Then like any smart predator, she pounced.
“Hi,”Hello Kittycooed, standing straighter to put her ample chest in plain view. “I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Sheila.”
“Hi, doll.” Joe took her outstretched hand. “Joe Buchanan.” He returned Sheila’s smile and gave her a subtle once-over, much to the woman’s delight.
It took everything Roxie had to not scoff.
Because there it was... the infamous Buchanan charm. She knew he could call that panty-dropping smile up on cue.Jackass.
“Sheila, you must be new in town because I could have sworn I knew all the gorgeous women on Hudson Island.”
“Oh. My. God,” Roxie said under her breath. “I think I just puked a little in my mouth.” She frowned, and a sting zapped the corner of her lip.
Joe ignored her. “It was a pleasure meeting you, Sheila. I’m sure I’ll see you again soon, but I need to steal your boss away for a little bit.”
With one last charismatic grin at Sheila, Joe snagged Roxie’s hand and pulled her toward the back office. She tried to shake him off without causing a scene, but his grip was firm.
“Holy crap,” Roxie hissed. “Could you be more obvious?” She dropped her voice an octave. “‘I could have sworn I knew all the gorgeous women.’ Barf, Joe. Barf. That was pathetic. Surely you have better lines than that in your arsenal.”
“It worked, didn’t it?”
Her lips pursed, and she fought a wince at the sting on her lower lip. “Well, apparently the woman has led a very sheltered life because that’s the only reason she’d fall for such a worthless line...” Her forehead scrunched in confusion when Joe pushed open her office door and began collecting her things. “What are you doing? I’m in the middle of work.”
Joe made a sound that was part growl, part grumble as he looped her scarf around her neck and draped her jacket over her shoulders. Tucking her purse under his arm, he grabbed her hand and pulled her through the kitchen, toward the back door. He flashed his charming grin again, but this time to Nina, who was at one of the workstations, staring after them with wide, curious eyes.
He pushed open the back door, and a gust of wind rushed over her. The chilly air snapped her out of her dumbfounded obedience. She came to an abrupt halt.