Page 68 of Detroit
“He wants to talk to Everleigh.”
“Absolutely fucking not,” I said.
“He can’t,” Simon said. “Codefendants can’t be in contact outside of court. The thing is…” Simon trailed off.
“He must have something to say,” I filled in.
“Yeah. But as her lawyer, I won’t have contact with him either. I will talk to his attorney. Who is a baby lawyer. Just graduated like a year ago. Knows dick-all. But I will talk to him. The thing is, what Gav has to say, I suspect, is not something he would say to his lawyer.”
Taking a deep breath, I nodded even though he couldn’t see me.
“You think I should visit,” I said.
“Technically, you are connected to Everleigh, seeing as you are paying for her defense. But no one outside of your club would know that she is personally connected to you. Not even your brother, I assume.”
“No,” I agreed. “I’ll do it. Do you think he will see me?”
“Out of curiosity, if nothing else,” he said. “He knows you.”
“Yeah,” I agreed. “I’ll go.”
“You have to set up an appointment. I’d do it as soon as possible. Shit can escalate at any point right now. If you can get any information out of Gav now while we can, I think it’s best for the case.”
“Right,” I agreed, hearing what he wasn’t saying. That he and his team weren’t finding much to help Everleigh. And if Gav had something—anything—then we owed it to her to find out what it might be. “I’ll call now and set up an appointment. I’ll call you on the way back.”
“Great. I’ll be waiting to hear from you.”
I did the call.
Set up the appointment.
And said nothing to Everleigh.
She was finally relaxing, not seeming to think much about her time in county, and the potential for a prison sentence in her future. I didn’t want to force her mind back there. Especially after she admitted how hard it is for her to shut her mind down.
I could do this.
Then hand over the information to Simon, who could then do something with it.
She couldn’t do anything about it.
So I felt it was better to just… let her be in the dark.
I never could have known at the time that this would be the dumbest fucking move I could possibly make.
That in trying to protect her, I’d done the exact opposite.
Lips pressed into the space where my neck met my shoulder, rousing me from a deep, dreamless sleep.
Detroit’s hand was resting on my bare belly, the feel and heat of him immediately making need build in my system.
We’d fallen into bed sometime after dinner and before the party started, both of us seeming to silently agree that we’d rather spend our time tangled in bedsheets than drinking and watching the guys make fools of themselves.
I mean, it wasn’t that I didn’t want to spend time with the guys. I was actually really starting to like them.