Page 51 of In Plain Sight
Dan couldn’t stop smiling.
“My father would love to see this,” he said in a low voice. “These are stunning.” He could see paintings in various styles: Neoclassicist, Romantic, Art Nouveau, Realist, Impressionist, Expressionist, and Surrealist, and those were just the ones that stood out. Dan pointed to a long canvas depicting a couple in twenties’ formal wear descending a staircase. “That’s beautiful.”
Senator Cain smiled. “That’s by Joseph Christian Leyendecker. I love his work.” He gestured to the paintings. “Most of these were collected by my father and grandfather, but I’ve added a couple. The Leyendecker was one of them.”
Gary nodded. “A very impressive collection. And yet I don’t see Caravaggio’sJohn the Baptist, another of Cheryl Somers’s copies. I didn’t see it in Boston either. So unless you’ve hung it in the pool house….”
The senator’s eyes gleamed in the spotlights. “Andthatis what’s brought you here? Well, Detective Mitchell, you don’t see it because it was sold.”
“We know.”
Senator Cain frowned. “Then why—”
“What we were wondering,” Dan interjected, “was if you sold the original or your copy.”
The senator’s brow smoothed. “Ah, I see. I sold both.”
Gary stared at him. “Excuse me?”
“The purchaser bought both. The original was sold at a public auction, and the copy was a private sale. Since the Caravaggio had come into my family’s possession, it had become incredibly valuable.”
“And yet you sold it?” Gary appeared confused.
Senator Cain smiled. “Ah. No, I didn’t sell it for some nefarious purpose. A family friend was starting up a charity for the homeless. I donated the difference between what my grandfather had paid for the painting and what it sold for. And my donation helped provide accommodations, food, staff, jobs…. I am listed as one of the charity’s main benefactors.” He looked Gary in the eye. “I have scruples, Detective Mitchell. But Iamcurious as to why this sale should interest the police.”
“Yours isn’t the only such sale we’re looking into,” Gary explained. “And in the case of the other copy, her client definitelydidn’thave scruples.”
The senator expelled a long breath. “So is your theory that Cheryl learned her client had sold her work as original and confronted them about it, and they got rid of the evidence—namely, her?”
“That’s one of our theories.”
Senator Cain nodded. “Then I wish you luck. I do understand that you have to check every lead, but where Cheryl is concerned, I can assure you, she was an honest person who simply provided a service. You cannot blame her if someone took advantage of her talent to line their pockets.” He gestured to the art room. “Have you seen everything here that you wished to see?”
“Yes, thank you.”
“Then perhaps I might give you a tour of the house, followed by tea out on the patio. It’s such a beautiful day.”
“I would like that,” Dan said with a smile.
They followed the senator down the stairs.
“This house was built in the Arts and Crafts style,” he told them as they stepped once more into the entrance hall. “When I was a child, my favorite activity was to sleep under one of the porches on summer nights. If I was fortunate, deer would come quite close to the house.”
Dark wood panels gave way to strips of pale pine as they walked through the many lounges and sitting rooms. The furniture reflected the house’s era, with antique desks and tables, even a butler’s pantry. Loggias beckoned visitors to step outside, where the southern views were stunning to behold. There were many windows, allowing natural light to spill into the interior, each one framed by floral curtains.
The senator took them into one of the living rooms situated at the front of the house. “I’ve changed my mind. We’ll stay indoors, I think.” He pointed to the couches. “Take a seat, and I’ll organize some tea.” His eyes twinkled. “Which means I’ll be making it. No one else is around.”
A cough had them all turn their heads toward the door.
Mrs. Cain smiled. “I’ll see to tea if you want to stay with your guests.”
Senator Cain frowned. “I’ll help.” He left them and followed her out of the room.
Dan turned to Gary. “Well?”
“Well what?”
“Do you think he’s clean?”