Page 71 of In Plain Sight
Dan jumped. “Sorry. I must’ve zoned out for a moment.”
Gary grinned. “TheKama Sutra—again?” Then Dan stilled, and Gary stared at him. “What is it?”
Dan wished he knew.
“This book… I get the feeling it’s important. As if the answer is right here at my fingertips.” He put it aside with a sigh. “This is going to bug me till I work out what it is that keeps pulling me to it. I’ve got enough weird stuff going on, thank you very much.”
“What kind of weird stuff?”
“You know how sometimes you wake up with a song in your head?”
Gary pulled a face. “Earworms. I hate them.”
“Well… the last couple of nights, I keep seeing flashes of a movie. The same movie. And what’s more, it stays with me when I wake up.”
Gary blinked. “Which one?”
“Cape Fear. I’ve seen it maybe two, three times. It’s not even one of my favorites.”
“You mentioned it a while back. You’re still seeing it?”
“Yeah, except when I told you about it, I was only seeing it as a DVD cover or a movie poster. Now it’s scenes from the movie.” He shrugged. “Maybe it’s just a persistent dream.”
The silence hit him, and he jerked his head in Gary’s direction.
“And maybe it’s not,” Gary said slowly. “Maybe… it’s a vision.”
“One that keeps coming back.” Dan shivered. “The last recurring vision stuck around for thirteen years. I hope this one isn’t the same.”
“But that vision has stopped now, right?”
Dan assured him it had.
Gary smiled. “That’s because you’re where you belong.”
Warmth seeped into every part of Dan’s body. “I know that look. We’re having an early night, aren’t we?”
Gary’s eyes gleamed. “Yes, we are.”
“We’ve been having a lot of those. Late mornings too.” Not that he was complaining.
“I’m making up for lost time. Plus, don’t they say practice makes perfect?”
Dan bit back a smile. “Trust me, you’re doing pretty good.” Gary’s eagerness in bed was a delight, and if Dan was getting less sleep than he was used to, it wassoworth it.
Then he took a closer look at the book in Gary’s hand. “What’s that you’ve got?”
“Brad’s address-and-phone book. I found it when we were at my parents’ place. I was looking for a journal, but either he didn’t keep one, or it’s hidden someplace I don’t know about.”
“Any useful names in it?”
“A few possibles to look at. I’ll make a list.” He smiled. “In the morning.” He held out his hand, and Dan took it, allowing Gary to tug him toward the bedroom and a night of making love.
One withoutCape Fear—he hoped.
Chapter Twenty-Two
Wednesday, August 1, 2018