Page 74 of In Plain Sight
“My name is Gary Mitchell, and I’m calling because you knew my—”
“You’re not Brad’s little brother, are you?”
Gary was impressed. “Wow. You have a good memory.”
“He was always talking about you. Mostly about how glad he was you ended up with the ginger gene, not him.”
Gary laughed. “That sounds like something Brad would say. And the reason I’m calling is… I’m trying to track down his friends from college.”
“Sounds intriguing. Why?”
Gary decided to come clean. “I’m a detective with Boston PD, and I’m trying to find his killer.”
“Mr. Nichols?”
“You get to call me Sean.” He paused. “The police interviewed me at the time of his death. I wasn’t able to help them. And I know they questioned all his college friends too. No one knew a thing.”
“I’ve only just learned some… facts about my brother, and I need to discuss them with someone who knew him.”
Another pause. “Then we should meet. I work in Boston, at the Fairmont Copley Plaza.”
“Would you be able to get away from work to talk to me?”
Sean chuckled. “Oh, I think so. I’m the manager. I can see you this afternoon about four if that works for you? Just ask for me at reception. And Detective Mitchell? I’m looking forward to meeting Brad’s little brother.” He hung up.
Gary glanced across to where Dan sat. “He knew who I was.”
“Brad was obviously pretty memorable. Will he see you?”
Gary nodded. “At four o’clock at the Fairmont Copley Plaza.”
Dan gave him a hopeful glance. “Can I come too?”
Gary chuckled. “I think that’s a foregone conclusion. Now let me finish my lunch. Then we’d better get some work done.”
That was if he could work with all the butterflies flapping around in his stomach.
THEY ARRIVEDat the hotel, and a neatly dressed valet showed them to Sean’s office.
Sean Nichols rose from his chair to greet them, tall, slim, and elegant in his gray suit. His light brown hair was flecked with silver at the temples, as was his neat beard at the chin. Gary wasn’t given to noticing guys, but Sean was very easy on the eye.
Beside him, Dan cleared his throat, and Gary knew he’d been busted. There was an amused expression in Dan’s eyes that told Gary they’d be discussing this later.
“Gentlemen, please, take a seat. Coffee is on the way.” They did as asked, and Sean looked Gary up and down. “You’ve changed quite a bit since I last saw you in Brad’s photos.”
Gary shrugged. “I get that a lot. It’s the beard.” They both chuckled before Sean gave Dan an inquiring glance. “This is Dan Porter. We’re working on a cold case, but—”
“But you thought you’d investigate Brad’s death on the side.” Sean leaned back. “What do you want to know?”
“You and Brad were good friends?”
Sean’s smile reached his eyes. “Oh yes. We met the first semester, and that was it, we were inseparable.” His face took on a faraway expression. “God, the things we got up to….”
“I can imagine.” Brad had always been the prankster of the family.
Sean laughed. “Oh Lord, I hope not.”