Page 95 of In Plain Sight
Travers smiled. “Sounds as if I was right to put you two together. You make quite a team.” He cleared his throat, then gave Gary a mock glare. “So what are you waiting for? Go interviewMr.DiFanetti.”
They followed Travers out into the hallway and headed for the interview rooms. On the way they passed officers and detectives who patted Gary’s back and shoulders, murmuring noises of approval. Will Freeman met them outside Interview Room One.
“I’ll say this about you two.” He grinned. “You’ve got balls.”
Gary rolled his eyes. “He’s just a businessman who’s going to answer a few questions.”
Will snorted. “Yeah, right, and I’m the Easter Bunny.”
Gary gave a wave of his hand, then pushed the door open. Dan followed him inside.
Bruno DiFanetti sat at the table, wearing an immaculate dark blue suit. His receding white hair and beard spoke to his seventy-seven years, making him look like a kindly grandfather.
His cool gray eyes, however, belied that impression. Eyes that were fixed on Gary and Dan.
Eyes that indicated intelligence.
Next to him sat a man who was roughly the same age, also dressed in a smart suit, a large notepad in front of him.
Gary took a seat. “Thank you for agreeing to come in today.” He glanced at the lawyer. “I’m Detective Gary Mitchell, and this is Dan Porter, who’s working with me on this case.”
The man handed over a business card. “Luke Martin. I’ve been Mr. DiFanetti’s attorney for more than forty years.”
Dan frowned. “I thought we’d met the family lawyer—Mr. Stillwater?”
Mr. Martin coughed. “He works for Paul DiFanetti. But he doesnotspeak for the family.”
Bruno said nothing. He was too busy staring at Dan.
“Is there a problem?” Gary inquired.
“I saw the reports in the media on the Ludlow case.” Bruno’s brow furrowed. “This is the psychic who helped catch him.”
“That’s correct,” Dan said with a smile.
Bruno’s frown deepened. “Then what are you doing here? You’re not a cop.”
“I’m now working for Boston PD, specifically on cold cases.”
“And starting with the case of Cheryl Somers,” Gary added.
Bruno gave a dismissive wave. “Yeah, you said as much on the phone. I’ve gotta say, I’m curious. How does this concern me?” Another gaze flickered in Dan’s direction.
Gary saw no reason to delay the conversation. “Mr. DiFanetti, you’re here to provide a few missing details related to our case. But this is where I should point out that we know everything: the Rembrandt, your hold over Senator Cain, you and your son coming to the senator’s aid that night—”
“Whoa there.” Bruno held up his hand. “What makes you think you knoweverything?”
“We interviewed Senator Cain yesterday. He went through the events of August twenty-eighth, 1992.” Gary deliberately kept things vague.
Bruno picked a piece of lint from his jacket and dropped it onto the floor. “Good for him.”
“He told us how Cheryl discovered the Rembrandt, their quarrel, their struggle, and her fall.” Gary opened the folder. “Then he says he called you. He told us how you came to the house with your son, how you took Cheryl away to get medical attention, and how she subsequently died from her injuries before she could get that help. So you see, we know the whole story.”
Hook baited. Now all Bruno had to do was take it.
Bruno folded his arms.
“A story that begins with the painting you stole,” Dan said in a firm voice.