Page 10 of Sweet Pucker
"Ryan, you're a free agent after this season. Do you think you'll want to sign long-term with Toronto?"
"I'm not looking too far ahead right now, but Toronto is close to home for me. After seven years, it will be nice to be home again."
"Anything you're especially looking forward to when you join the team in Toronto?"
Ryan chuckles, and my stomach clenches even harder.
"I love the city of Toronto. The Northmen will be a competitive team in the post-season, and everyone knows they have the best fans in the league. I'm familiar with some of the guys from my junior hockey days, and I think I'll be a good fit with the team. When LA asked me to waive my no-trade clause, there was only one team I wanted to go to."
"Why the Northmen? Why Toronto?" the host asks.
"Let's just say I have unfinished business and leave it at that."
I don't know how he does it. Or if it's just a trick of the light, but I swear he's looking right at me through the TV. I shiver. Then Ryan does something I haven't seen in seven years—he brushes his fingers back through his hair and winks.
"Smooth talking, Gunner."
Tyra walks into my LA apartment with a big smile on her face. As usual, she looks like she's just stepped off a movie set. Her hair and makeup can only be described as camera-ready and picture-perfect. She has rich mahogany hair with subtle highlights and warm brown skin that's as smooth as melted milk chocolate. Tyra's mom is British and whiter than a ghost with skin as soft as a baby's ass. Her dad is a handsome, Black film producer in Hollywood. She's the stunning product of a mixed-race couple, inheriting the most beautiful genes from each parent, resulting in a light brown complexion and mossy green eyes.
I first met Tyra four years ago. She had just moved to Los Angeles from England for her career in Hollywood, and we were attending a fundraiser for the Children's Wish Foundation. The connection was immediate. We laughed easily with one another, becoming fast friends. I became her staple date for award shows and premieres, and she tagged along to team events with me.
We've become Hollywood's sweetheart couple and a tabloid favourite.
Tyra knows me in and out. I never could slide anything past her. Then again, she could never get anything past me, either.
She throws her arms around me, giving me a big hug before kissing me on both cheeks. I've been trying to pack up my essentials since the press conference because tomorrow I need to be in Toronto. No rest for the wicked.
Tyra will pack the rest of my crap and is taking care of storage and selling my place before coming to Toronto herself. She's filming there next month.
"Are you sure you don't mind helping me pack up my shit and dealing with the realtor?" I ask.
"You know I don't. It's the least I can do for the best boyfriend I've ever had."
I chuckle.
"What can I say? You know me, pretty to look at, and amazing at sleepovers."
"I call bullshit." Tyra laughs, tossing her hair over her shoulder. She picks up some clothing, helping to fold it before placing it in my suitcase. "You, Mr. Gunner, snore. Loud. And you hog the blankets. With that kind of bedside manner, I have no idea how you plan on winning back your lady love."
I let out a breath, closing my eyes, trying to imagine the look on Em's face when the news broke. I knew she would be watching. When I used our secret signal during the press conference, I was giving her fair warning that I was coming for her.
I know she and Holly are working with the Northmen. It was always their dream to work together in some capacity in the hockey industry. I'm proud of my girl. I knew she would succeed and achieve anything she set her heart on. I just don't understand why her dreams suddenly didn't include me anymore.
I asked her to marry me, and she said we were too young and needed to go and experience life without each other. Well, we've spent seven years growing up and experiencing life, and nothing's changed for me.
I still love her. I've never stopped loving her, just like I promised. To this day, I don't understand what went wrong and what changed for her. Even if this blows up in my face, I deserve an explanation and closure or ideally, Em back in my life.
"Neither do I, Ty," I shrug and run a hand through my hair in exasperation. "But if I don't try, I will regret it for the rest of my life. She's always beenitfor me."
"She'd be insane not to take you back, Ryan. You're perfect. Hell, I'd have a go at you if I were into that type of thing."
Tyra places her forehead against mine and squeezes my hands in hers. Her bronzy brown skin contrasted with my lightly tanned ivory. We make an incredible couple, even if it is a fictional one. She's my closest friend in Los Angeles, and I'm relieved she'll be in Toronto with me, at least for a little while.