Page 32 of Sweet Pucker
I've lived seven years without Ryan, and up until a month ago, I thought I was doing a pretty damn good job of it. I have my dream job. I work side-by-side with my best friend in one of the best cities in the world. What more could a girl want?
Love. The kind that Holly and Luke have. The kind of love you and Ryan used to have and could still have.
I try to silence my inner voice. I hate it when she starts making sense.
I reach inside my blouse and pull out the two rings hanging on my long, gold chain. I've always kept them close to my heart. Cool metal against warm skin. A piece of Ryan I never have to give up. And he's kept a piece of me too—a silly little box, with a silly sparkly heart, from a silly little girl.
But I'm not that little girl anymore. That girl believed in happily ever afters, and that boy wanted things I could never give him.
Things I’ll never be able to give him.
Girls’ Night In
"All right, ladies, I hereby commence the first official gathering of Girls' Night! I'm your hostess, Holly Sparks, soon-to-be Valentine, and this is my partner in crime, Emerson Avery."
Holly's taking Girls' Night to the next level. She's never done anything by halves. As soon as Lily suggested a get-together, Holly went hell-bent for leather, planning and organizing something equivalent to an Illuminati meeting. We are in our apartment, with more wine than could be consumed at a winery, music, and an assortment of catered snacks—all compliments of Luke's credit card.
"As hostess, my first order of business is introductions," she continues with somewhat of a sway to her body. Any more wine and she might look more like Jack Sparrow. "This blonde-haired beauty is my future sister, Lily Valentine."
"Do we need introductions?" I ask with an eye roll. "We pretty much know who's who."
"Don't ruin this for me," Holly snaps playfully. Her authority is severely diminished by her baby blue flannel PJs with pineapples. Everyone is in flannels tonight. "The first official Girls' Night requires an intro. Moving on, this little stunner, with flawless skin and hair, is my sister, Taylor Ashley."
"If you compliment your sister, who is basically your twin, are you giving yourself backhanded compliments?" I mumble into my wine glass.
"Hey, we can't help that we're so awesome." Taylor laughs, grabbing the TV remote and flicking through the channels. "Even if our father is a douche, the genes are good."
"Here, Here," Holly toasts. "Everyone, this enchanting educator, who I've often mistaken for a Disney Princess, is Riley Winters. And let's face it, you embody what it means to be ‘hot for a teacher.’" Riley laughs. She just started teaching intermediate grades at an elementary school.
"Now, before I introduce the guest of honour, Payton Kane would like me to send her apologies for not being here tonight. She is out protecting our city and kicking ass."
A few months ago, Payton, who Holly and I knew as Candy Kane, was working undercover in our office and helped bring down the blackmailing scheme run by our old boss.
"Okay, this amazing woman is not only one of Hollywood's hottest actresses but also one of the nicest people I have ever met. Tyra Price, you are so nice that I want to hate you but simply can't."
The group of us burst out laughing. We all start pouring more wine and chatting, occasionally stuffing our faces with finger foods. Lily stands and takes the stage, so to speak, by clinking her glass.
"My turn." Lily smiles wide, giving us all a good stare-down. "Seeing as this is our first official Girls' Night, I say we lay down ground rules and state our mission."
"Our mission is to drink wine, eat loads of crap we shouldn't, and then burn off calories by bitching about our first-world problems. And of course, stand united as women who have carefully cultivated their awesomeness," Tyra cheers at her little toast, as does everyone else.
I'm seriously starting to worry about how much wine we've consumed already.
"Well said, Tyra." Holly nods, taking another swig of her wine. "Now for the rules of Girls' Night."
We all look around at each other, sitting on various basket chairs, love seats, and couches. Everyone is silent for about ten seconds, eyes and lips twitching, until we unanimously say, "You don't talk about Girls' Night."
"You're saying Girls' Night is like Fight Club," Riley giggles.
"Goodness, no! We are much too civilized to organize something so pointless," I say. "Girls' Night exists to share stories, juicy gossip, and embarrass the shit out of each other. But nothing, and I mean nothing, leaves this room."
"Then, I must petition the members for a concession," Lily stands, addressing us. "The second rule of Girls' Night is no detailed descriptions of my brother's sexual prowess. I'm sorry, Holly, but you're loud, and I've already heard more than any sister should have to endure."
The girls lose it again and laugh while Holly turns at least fifteen shades of red.