Page 37 of Sweet Pucker
My tongue works along her clit, down to her entrance and back again, finding a rhythm, flicking, nibbling and sucking. It's been a long time, but I remember everything Em likes—long, languid strokes with the flat of my tongue and quicker ones with the tip. When I sink two fingers into her, Em detonates, coming for me. She clamps down on my fingers, pulsing around them, hips raising off the couch, almost lifting me with her. She's so fucking tight that my dick protests in jealousy of my hand.
"Yessss." She lets out a breathy moan of satisfaction, and I can't help but feel smug while I continue to lick and suck her sweetness as she comes down from the high of her orgasm.
Slowly, I pull Em's pants back into place, running my hands up her sated body and grinning as I kiss her belly button. She smiles shyly back and laughs. This is the Em I've always loved—the carefree girl who laughs after an orgasm.
When I continue to place soft kisses on her stomach, I notice a glint of light catch on a necklace under her shirt. I straighten and reach for it, knowing what it is before pulling the chain from its hiding place.
"You kept them."
Em sits up, tucking the promise and engagement rings I gave her back under her shirt. Straightening her clothing, she blushes guiltily, like she's been caught stealing from the cookie jar.
"I couldn't very well give them away," she says, embarrassed.
I don't just smile; I beam from ear to ear as something swells in my chest. Em may not want to say it out loud, but those rings speak volumes all by themselves. She still loves me.
I kiss her again, pulling her off the couch. I'm still hard as fucking granite, and there's no question she can feel my dick straining against my jeans.
"We're going to be late," I smile, dragging her towards to door. I grab the swag bags in one hand and hook her arm in the other.
"Wait! What about," she blushes, motioning to my hard-on, "you know."
"We'll worry about that later because, Em, there will be a later. There will be several laters."
Grinning, she grabs my lopsided bunny ears and slides them back into place. Our eyes lock and we can’t help but laugh. Never in a million years did I imagine going down on Em dressed as the Easter bunny wearing a Northmen’s jersey. But you know what they say, never say never.
The ride to George's Jungle Gymnasium is a quiet one. I don't want to shatter this fragile peace Em and I have built by asking questions. I don't want to ruin a good thing and scare her away. She likes doing things on her own time, in her own way.
Entering the gym is like being hit with a tidal wave of laughing, screaming kids, pleas for autographs and people literally bouncing off walls. This place is fucking awesome. It's a massive indoor playground with monkey bars, slides, ball pools, bungee trampolines, zorbing balls, climbing walls, obstacle courses, and ziplining.
Em and I have already posted another "The Blue and White Life" segment featuring our Easter egg hunt. Now, everyone is trying out the various activities on offer. I'm here for the zorbing balls. They are ridiculous. Bouncing around inside a giant plastic bubble, rolling around all over the place, is hilarious. Throw a bunch of hockey players in a kids' playpen and we'll all turn into a load of eight-year-olds, potty humour included.
All the guys have been assigned a kid to terrorize the gym employees with. I'm with a young girl named Abby. She's the cutest little thing with big blue anime eyes and curly blonde hair. At only seven years old, she's swimming in a Northmen jersey with my name on the back, and she already has all the men here wrapped around her little finger.
"What do you think, Mr. Gunner?" She shoots me a gap-toothed smile. She's missing one of her two front teeth. "Momma says I shouldn't play on things that are so high. She says I could fall."
All the kids have been trying the zipline, but Abby hasn't managed to work up the courage to try. The attendant has her all hooked up, but she hasn't worked up the courage to glide off the platform's edge.
"I think it looks pretty safe. It's not so high," I smile, pointing at Chase as he squeals like a kid, flying down the zipline. "I can go first if you like."
"Why don't you two go together?" Em says, walking towards Abby and me. "Ryan is an expert zipliner."
"You are, Mr. Gunner?" If it's possible, Abby's eyes get even bigger. She's gazing at me like I have a superpower.
Seriously, this kid!
"Oh yes, he is," Em continues. "You two can race Cooper and me."
A small boy, maybe five-years-old, pops his head out from behind Em's legs. I didn't even notice him hiding behind there. He has his thumb in his mouth and is wearing a pair of overalls under his ziplining gear.
"Who's this," I ask, leaning down on my haunches, grinning at the boy smartly clinging to the finest pair of legs in the building.
"I'm Cooper, and she's Avery. She has candy."
"She does? And she's not sharing?" I mock outrage and turn to Abby. "Cooper says Ms. Avery has candy, and she's keeping it all to herself."
Em laughs and rolls her eyes at me.