Page 64 of Sweet Pucker
Quickly, I glance around the parking lot. No one's around, we're underground, the lot is quiet, and I'm pretty sure Colton is blocking the garage entrance while we park. To be safe, I push Em back into the car.
"Move over," I ordered, jumping into the passenger seat before shutting us in.
"Yes, sir! I love it when you're bossy."
As efficiently as possible, I sit my ass down in the seat while pulling Em over my lap. I'm hard as fuck and my jeans feel like a vice grip. My cock is dying to get out of one tight space and into another.
"Fuck, I'm so glad I wore a skirt," Em breathes into my ear before giving my lobe a nip.
I break the World Record for whipping my dick out of my pants. She takes me in her hand the second I do, stroking firmly. The head begins to weep with happiness, and Em uses her thumb to rub the moisture down my shaft.
"I love your cock," she mumbles incoherently.Fuck yeah, he loves you too!
My hands move up the legs I love so much towards her ass. When my fingers meet nearly bare skin, a part of my brain explodes or melts. I don't fucking know. She's wearing a thong. I fucking love it when she wears thongs. The only thing I can register right now is the feel of her skin on mine and how badly I want to fuck Em in the passenger seat of my SUV.
"You know I fucking love it when you wear thongs," I growl, pushing it aside and slipping my fingers into her. She's soaking wet, and as my fingers pump into her my hips involuntarily mimic the motion.
"Oh fuck," Em huffs, rocking her hips into my hand, tightening her own on my cock.
When I remove my fingers from her pussy, she lets out a shout of protest. I open the centre console and grab a condom, ripping open the package and rolling it on with lightning speed. I lift her skirt even higher, pushing the thong out of the way again and thrust into her, filling her completely.
"Fuck, yes," I groan as she starts riding me.
My hands migrate to her tits, palming them over her tank top, but it's not close enough. I lift her shirt just enough to make room for my hands. When my fingers meet her bra, I push it aside until my skin meets hers. I love her tits. When I pinch her nipples, her pussy clamps down in response.
She continues rocking back and forth in a rhythm that makes her clit grind against me. When she starts to pant, I know she's close. I grip her hips as she leans back towards the dash, arching backwards. The view is erotic as all fucking hell, and I lift her skirt to watch myself filling her over and over, my hips pistoning into her.
"Yes!" She screams as her pussy starts to contract, massaging my dick. "I fucking love you."
My brain barely registers her words as I come. My hips lift off the seat, taking her with me, and when I come back down to earth, my breath is ragged. My heart is thumping at a staggering pace along with hers. I cup her face in my hands, drawing her lips to mine for a long, lingering kiss. When I pull back, I stare into her eyes trying to see the truth of her words.
"Did you mean it?" I ask, brushing a piece of hair away from her cheek. She swallows and pauses before answering.
"Yes," she whispers. Her voice is choked, almost like she's ashamed, which is ridiculous. Em is the most confusing woman I've ever met, and I'd love to know what happens in that head of hers sometimes. "I've never stopped."
Something inside my chest loosens, and all the tension leaves my body.She loves me. Nothing else matters but that fact.
"I've always loved you, Ryan."
"Then never leave me again," I croak, my voice horse. "You're it for me, Em. You always have been. I'll never love anyone the way I love you. You're all I've ever wanted."
Something like sadness passes over her features, confusing me even further. I've seen this resigned look before, and it makes me think she's keeping something from me.
"What's wrong?"
"You deserve the best, Ryan. I want you to have everything you've ever wanted." This is the second time she's said this to me and I don't understand why. "What if I'm not enough? I don't want you to be disappointed with me."
I can feel my brows draw together, dumbfounded.
How could Em ever think she's not enough?She's everything.
I kiss her roughly, trying to express everything I feel for her through my lips. She kisses me back as my hands tighten on her back to pull her closer. After a moment, I draw back to look her in the eyes, begging her to believe me.To believe in us.
"You're not enough, Em," I rasp. "You're everything."
A tear escapes her eyes and I catch it with my finger before bringing the salty moisture to my lips.
"Don't cry," I smile. "I love you, Em."