Page 20 of Court of Winter
Ahead, Mealow was running toward a home on the valley side. Lights blazed from the windows as another yell came from within, this one filled with pain.
I stopped midstride. Those screams were probably coming from her son.
“We’ll stay outside their home,” Haxil said calmly and propelled me forward. “The prince won’t want you in harm’s way.”
“Staying at the lodge would have been safest,” I replied as uneasiness crept through me. “You could have left me there while you stayed with the prince.”
“Not necessarily. What if someone tried to harm you?”
“Why would they do that? I’ve done nothing wrong.”
“You’re traveling with the Bringer of Darkness now. He has many enemies.”
My stomach turned. “Meaning, harm may now come to me as a way to get to him?”
“Exactly.” He quickened our pace as the prince and Mealow ducked inside her home while Nish, Sandus, and Ryder guarded the perimeter.
The three guards positioned themselves around the small home, watching the village’s citizens. Ryder even took flight, going to the opposite side of the house that overlooked the valley. His wings flapped as he hovered just outside of the home’s back door that had a pad, almost like a balcony, attached to it for landings. In their current positions, they had all exit and entry points covered.
Haxil and I reached them just as ferocious roars came from within. I wrapped my arms around myself as the prince yelled, “Morph back to your fae form, and no harm will come to you!”
I dared a peek through the window. The prince faced something in the corner of the room as Mealow twisted her hands. She stood just to the prince’s side, her attention fixated on whatever lay in front of them.
“Please, let him go,” Mealow pleaded to who I assumed was her husband. “He didn’t mean any harm by what he said.”
I angled myself to get a better view, and my eyes widened when I beheld her husband drunk on leminai. He was fully transformed within his affinity—a huge monstrosity of fur, claws, and fangs. His ragged head touched the ceiling, brushing against the wooden planks. White fur covered his entire body, and hands that had become paws sported six-inch claws.
Naturally born ice bears were known for being deadly. Thankfully, they stuck to the mountain ranges, so we’d never had to deal with them in my village, but stories would circulate throughout the continent now and then, speaking of the treacherous creatures that lived on our frozen lands and roamed the forests and mountains.
The only mountainous creature more lethal than an ice bear was a snowgum—a huge feline with razor-sharp teeth and barbed claws. When it flared its magical essence, it grew invisible for brief periods of time, making an attack impossible to foresee and tracking them even more difficult. It was said if you were unlucky enough to encounter a snowgum, you didn’t live to tell about it.
The drunk husband roared again as a young male lay on the floor beneath him. Blood trickled from multiple slashes across the youth’s body.
My heart beat harder as I took in his pale complexion and closed eyes. He was unconscious, so his screams had stopped. Frantically, I searched for signs of life, and a relieved exhale escaped me when his chest rose in a shallow breath.
“He’s still alive,” I whispered just as a subtle throbbing sensation pulsed in my gut. I brought a hand automatically to my belly, but the throbbing stopped as soon as it’d begun.
Haxil’s eyebrows knitted together as his full cheeks hollowed. “He won’t be for much longer if he’s not taken to a healer.”
I studied the young male again, and for the briefest moment, that throb returned before it vanished.
“Last warning,” the prince called. “This can end peacefully now, but you have to transform back.”
The drunk husband only snarled and advanced.
“Poor choice, you foolish scum,” Haxil said under his breath.
The prince’s eyes narrowed. His shoulders tightened, but his hands stayed open and his arms loose. Rope veins bulged in his neck, and his jaw clenched as the air seemed to ripple around him.
Shallow breaths lifted my chest as I waited for his deadly affinity power to rise, but instead of letting it loose and killing the drunk male in a blink, the prince reached for his swords.
“Ah, he’s going to give him a chance to come to his senses.” Haxil chuckled, but nothing about this felt funny to me.
The male in his ice bear form advanced, swiping out a paw. The prince deflected it with the hilt of his sword, dipping with the movement.
Roaring, the fairy charged.
Everything next happened in a blur of power and speed. The fairy lunged, his gaping bear maw going right for the prince’s throat, but the prince ducked and rolled at the last minute, his body moving with liquid grace despite his height and tall wings.