Page 8 of Court of Winter
Krisil cleared her throat and thumped her foot on Evis’s.
Evis scowled. “Why in the bloody realm did you—”
Krisil cleared her throat again and angled her head toward me and Cailis. Both of us stood silently in front of them.
“Oh, it’s the Seary girls.” Evis gave us an awkward smile. “Um, bread? Here ya are. I’ll even give you both extra today.” The cook hastily deposited two of the largest pieces of bread onto our plates beside our bowls of broth.
Cailis and I shared a pained look before we left the line and went toward the table we usually sat at. Birnee and Finnley quickly followed, both wearing overly bright smiles as they launched into a conversation about Firlim’s upcoming autumn ball that was only a few weeks away. None of us had ever gone, but that had never stopped us from talking about it, even though Finnley declared it one of the most boring subjects on the continent.
But even though I knew our friends were trying to distract us from what Krisil and Evis had revealed, both Cailis and I struggled to get into our usual banter of who would wear what and dance with whom. Instead, we only hummed and nodded when our silence grew painfully awkward.
“There’s no way that he’s actually here,” Finnley finally blurted out. “It’s probably rumors. You know what the villages are like.”
“Fin!” Birnee hissed.
“What?” He held his hands up. “Why are we beating around the bush when we all know why they look like they’ve seen ghosts?”
Beneath the table, Cailis’s hand found mine. I squeezed her tightly as the bread I’d been chewing felt as though it’d lodged in my throat.
“Fin, not another word. I mean it!” Birnee warned, her blue eyes shooting daggers at him.
He finally sighed and nodded toward the second piece of bread on my plate. “Are you going to eat that?”
Birnee rolled her eyes as I handed it over. But before she could admonish him, the sound of heavy boots came from outside the barn’s door.
Vorl pushed away from the wall, a frown tugging at his features just as the door burst open.
Snow flew inside as a light gust hit us from the north, and a few villagers shrieked and yelled in complaint. But the second the newcomer stepped across the threshold and the blinding sun reflecting off the snow outside was shielded from our eyes, the entire room fell silent.
My heart thundered in my chest as the tall male scanned the room, his sapphire eyes narrowed and assessing as a commanding, powerful aura pulsed from his skin. Huge muscled, black leathery wings tipped with talons were tucked close to his back, and he seemed to dwarf the village males around the room.
The newcomer wore the Court of Winter’s colors: black, silver, and blue. A thick tunic stretched across his broad chest, the court’s seal proudly displayed on his arm.
Cailis’s hand gripped mine even tighter as a light sheen of sweat burst across my entire body.
Everyone around the large male dipped into a bow, the rest of us dropping our heads.
Because the crown prince of the Winter Court had just entered the village barn, the Bringer of Darkness himself standing among us in the flesh.
Which meant the rumors had been true after all.
“Who’s in charge here?” Prince Norivun Deema Melustral Achul, first son of the king, Bringer of Darkness, Death Master of the continent, son of Prinavee Territory, and crown prince and heir to the Winter Court’s throne, asked as he scanned the room. His deep voice resonated in my chest, and my heart beat even harder.
“My prince.” Vorl immediately fell into a low bow as the rest of us waited mutely, nobody moving. Nobody breathing. “I’m in charge. It’s truly an honor, my prince.”
Snow laced the top of Prince Norivun’s head, light dancing off the flakes in his silver hair. The top half of his hair was pulled away from his face and secured at the back of his head with an ebony leather band. His locks fell to just below his shoulders as his strong jaw worked while he scanned the room. Behind him, four powerful guards waited.
My fingers itched to move upward and secure my scarf more, but I didn’t dare move other than to squeeze my sister’s hand harder beneath the table as a deep burning anger began to bloom in my chest.
This royal, thisfairywas the reason for all of our heartache. I hated him with a vengeance that was so potent I could barely breathe. Never mind that he was the crown prince of the Winter Court. He was my personal nemesis. Even if he didn’t know it.
Prince Norivun signaled Vorl to rise. “What have your yields been this past month?”
The village archon straightened, and even though his wings stayed tucked in, he lifted them slightly, putting their impressive height on full display. “We yielded twenty percent more this month than last.” Vorl’s tone turned boastful, as if he’d been the one bent over all day, farming the land, tending to the crops, and was personally responsible for our village’s prosperity. “It’s been a successful transition from summer, more so than last season.”
The prince’s eyebrows drew together. “And your techniques, have you been doing anything differently?”