Page 95 of Court of Winter
Nuwin gave me an appeasing smile. “I know you don’t want attention drawn to yourself, but fae are drinking and preoccupied, and my brother isn’t here yet. I’ve bided us enough time to at least enjoy a dance or two. Might as well make the most of it while you’re free of him.” He bowed with a flourish. “Dance with me, Ilara Seary, daughter of Mervalee Territory.”
I sighed. “Oh, all right.”
Nuwin swept me away, guiding me through the crowd of onlookers surrounding the dance floor.
As soon as those we’d passed realized that the wingless female the prince had hidden away was back, whispers erupted. Females tittered behind their cupped hands as more and more became aware that I’d returned. The males were just as bad. Some were even leering, as though they truly believed I was a courtesan, and when the prince tired of me, they could be next in line.
I bristled but kept my head held high. Now that everyone in the room seemed to know of my return, perhaps Nuwin was right. We could at least enjoy ourselves.
We reached the edge of the dance floor, and my heart beat harder as throngs of silks, brocades, and sheer gauzes whipped by our legs as the females twirled about. Half of the dancefloor was filled with voluminous dresses that were so wide they took up three times the space of a single female. Only a handful were dressed in slimmer styles like mine. My gown drifted around me, moving and sliding across my skin like water.
“Ready?” Nuwin’s arm curled around my waist, and then we were off.
He glided us effortlessly into the swell of winged bodies with light footsteps. I’d never learned royal dances, and I mumbled an apology when I stumbled across his toes, but Nuwin just pulled me closer until I was flush against his chest, and then he leaned down and whispered, “I’ll lead. Just keep your steps light and smile. Everyone’s watching.”
I hissed in a breath. “I thought you said they wouldn’t see me from the middle.”
“They won’t. Once we get there.”
True to his word, he twirled me toward the center of the floor, dancing and spinning us through the crowd of swirling fae. He was an excellent dancer and lifted me just enough that my feet still touched the floor but barely held any weight.
“You’re quite strong,” I commented when we finally reached the center. Only those of great height or standing on the stairs by the throne could easily see us. “You’re practically carrying me.”
“Norivun’s not the only one with strength.” He flashed me a grin and continued to carry me about the room as though I weighed nothing at all.
Music rose and fell in continued hypnotic swells, and I allowed myself to be swept into the rhythm, relying less and less on Nuwin carrying my weight as I learned the footsteps and followed the beat.
Whispers followed me, but I didn’t care. The champagne had truly latched onto me, and out here on the floor, nobody was cornering me or trying to engage me in conversation. It was just me and the music.
“You’re a natural,” Nuwin said softly, his grin speaking volumes as lightheadedness buzzed in my mind.
Swirling sensations roiled within my belly, as though a charge of energy was building with each spin and dip as Nuwin and I moved faster and faster and faster.
Nuwin’s lips tugged down. “Your aura is...” He cocked his head.
“What was that?”
“I said your aura is—”
“Mind if I cut in?” A noble with curling white hair and a red tunic appeared at Nuwin’s side. He was the same male who’d been in the hall before I’d entered the throne room. The youngest prince’s hands were still wrapped around my waist as the melody continued, but the noble stayed at our side, moving to the beat.
“What do you want, Michas?”
“I thought it was obvious.” The male grinned. “I wish to dance with the lovely lady from Mervalee.”
Before Nuwin could protest, the Osaravee noble spun me from the young prince’s grip, and then new arms were around me. Strong, commanding, and warm limbs that drew me close.
“And what if I don’t want to dance with you?” I said to the male.
His lips curved as his hand trailed down my back. “Shall I take you back to Nuwin? He’s looking quite vexed.” Despite his offer, the young lord glided us farther away from the prince. “Although I thought you may want to be introduced to some of the court since you’re new to Solisarium.”
“How do you know I’m new? I could have grown up here and only fled to Mervalee as an adult.”
He cocked his head. “I think not.” His palm grazed my spine as he spun me in a twirl before pulling me close again. He cupped my hand in his, and the intrigue in his expression grew. “You look lovelier than any female in this room, yet your hands aren’t soft. Not like the other court females.”
Since his tone held no derision, I merely shrugged. “Callouses form when one’s required to work to survive.”