Page 10 of Bear
He nodded, bugged his eyes out, then held up her pacifier. Once she’d taken it, he ran toward his bedroom. She could understand wanting to get away from his younger siblings. She’d been here less than two minutes and it was getting to her. The twins were adorable when they weren’t crying—now, not so much.
She bounced Georgia as she held her on her hip, patting her back.
“Let’s go see if Regina can help us figure out what’s going on.”
Winnie sat across fromRegina sipping the drink she’d poured her. It had taken two hours but they’d finally gotten the twins calmed down and asleep. Regina had guessed it was teething because they’d been drooling and running slight fevers. After changing out wet, cold washcloths for them to chew on, they’d drifted off to sleep. Winnie had been surprised to find the twins’ cribs set up side by side so they could reach each other if they wanted.
“Oh, I’d forgotten how hard it is with two of them when they’re sick. Thank you for rescuing me. If I’d known they were feeling bad, the men would have never gotten to leave.”
Winnie giggled at Regina’s tone. She was positive they wouldn’t have left either. Regina wasn’t a shrinking violet. She was kind, loving, but there was no doubt, she wasn’t one to cross.
“I’m glad I was available, but I certainly wouldn’t have wanted to try to figure out what was wrong on my own. I love kids but don’t have a lot of experience with sick ones. I’m sure Roam appreciates having you and Baron around.”
Roam had moved back in with Regina and Baron when he’d come home earlier this year to a note from his wife saying she was gone and he could be a single father. Regina, Baron, and Roam juggled childcare along with the MC members, ensuring everyone could still work where they were needed.
“He appreciates us but he doesn’t love us all living together. What man at forty-four wants to live with his parents? But it works for us. Now, tell me how you are.”
Regina knew exactly how to get to the heart of everything. How was she? She wasn’t sure but she knew what she wanted—Bear for the rest of her life.
“I’m confused,” Winnie whispered.
Regina nodded, sipping her drink. Regina and Winnie’s mom had both been experienced at waiting silently until one of them spilled all their secrets.
Winnie shook her head. “You and Mom could always get us to talk but this time, I want you to know I’m willingly asking for help. I don’t know how to convince Bear we can be together. I’m always the one seeing the possibilities. Knowing that if we can get through the hard stuff, beauty is waiting for us. But that man has me ecstatic one moment because I believe I’ve broken through, then in the next instant, he’s pulled the protective shell tight around him and I’m back to square one. If I honestly thought he knew the way he was jerking me around, I’d knock some sense into him.”
Winnie paused and swallowed around the lump in her throat. Her mom had been gone for a while and she’d gotten used to it—if that was possible. Days like today, though, when it involved a relationship and the man she wanted to marry, were agonizing. Regina was amazing but she’d give anything to have her mom sitting across the table, too.
“I don’t know how to reach him. I know he wants me. His actions scream he loves me but it’s like he’s constantly telling himself he doesn’t deserve me, if that makes sense.”
Regina’s hand reached across, grasping Winnie’s.
“It makes perfect sense. I have loved on that boy almost as long as I have my own but he didn’t make it easy. When Rascal brought him home for good, we hadn’t moved into the house yet. Baron was expanding it so we could have enough room. Rascal lived in the clubhouse, too, with Bear. It was over a month before he was comfortable enough to be beside me while I was baking. I always talked as I entered a room, so he’d know a woman was coming in. He’d turn to face what could be a possible threat. I don’t know what all that woman did but I know she didn’t deserve the term mother. The first time he voluntarily slipped his little arm around my leg and hugged me, I sobbed after I left the room.”
“I didn’t realize. He seemed so strong going into the Army, then later when he became a police officer.”
“Oh, honey, he is strong. Bear layered on piece by piece of armor so no one would ever hurt him again. He plans for every conceivable thing so he’ll know how to respond. You know how they talk about how people are like onions and you have to peel the layers away?”
Winnie nodded. Her mom had used that analogy a lot when they were growing up.
“Well, Bear—he’s not an onion. He’s got layers but his layers are like my cinnamon rolls he likes so much. Each layer protects the softer, sweeter layer underneath. If you only had the cinnamon roll layers to break through, you’d be fine, but you don’t. Bear has multiple hard protective layers on top of the sweet center—like a cinnamon roll encased in layers of steel, titanium, and rock.”
“How do I get through that?”
“Honey, I know you grew up in the kitchen with your mama. Everybody knows that sometimes you need to apply a little heat. To break through, you’re going to have to show him that it’s okay to want you—to dream of being with you. Even the hardest metal falls when the right temperature is applied. Persistence, time and heat. Bear needs to know you won’t give up on him when the going gets hard.”
Maybe she’d just needed Regina’s reminder that sometimes you had to fight for what you wanted. She’d never shied away from a fight before. Being part of Franks and Daughters Bail Bonds meant she’d gone against the odds before and beaten them.
Winnie needed to keep her eye on the goal—convincing Bear they could have it all. Hmm, a little heat might be just what they needed.