Page 24 of Bear
“So, this guy in a Mercedes drives up to the garage. The gate was open for some reason.” At the anger blazing in Locks’ eyes, Winnie rushed to calm him. “Chill, Dad. Jesse already ripped one of the security guys a new one for leaving the gate open. But back to the story, the guy walks in and Jesse is of course in her pink overalls. And he goeshoney, can you get the guy in charge to come out here,and you can guess that didn’t go over well. She repliedsugar bear, a dick doesn’t come pre-equipped with car knowledge. What do you need?Which should have been his clue that she was the mechanic.”
“Okay, my turn, but he didn’t. He walks closer to her, puffing his chest out and tells her she better fucking get the real mechanic or he’ll make her sorry.”
Locks held his finger up at Beth. “I thought you said I didn’t need to visit someone.”
“Dad, you raised us to stand up to bullies. It gets better. Jesse had been testing the newer bulletproof metal on a stand. She walks over to the gun she was using to test, points it at him, and says,get off our property or I’ll make you sorry. Then turned and fired multiple times at the metal. She said when she stopped firing she heard his car peeling out. No idea what was wrong with it but he had no problem driving away. She called security and had the person who left the gate open put on grunt duty for two weeks.”
Locks chuckled. “I should have known I wouldn’t need to do anything but sometimes as a dad, I want to take care of you. No matter how old you grow, you’ll always be mine.”
Chapter Fifteen
Bear pulled over tothe racetrack entrance. He parked his bike behind a tree, then took his helmet off. He opened the backpack he carried and pulled out the night vision goggles. He’d lifted them from the gun range and training center. Hopefully Cannon wouldn’t do an equipment inventory before he got them back. He crawled over the fence and started his walk to Winnie’s.
She was still wanting them to keep quiet about their relationship. He understood her reasoning but he wanted to let everyone know they were together. He made sure they didn’t sit together at Sunday lunch because then he might accidently push her hair behind her ear and kiss her cheek.
He crossed the last fence then paused at the area around the sisters’ houses. He pulled the glasses up on his head so he could check the houses. Remi’s was dark as was Sarah’s. Beth’s kitchen light was on and he could see movement in there. Jesse’s house had a porchlight on but no lights inside.
His sunshine had her light on in her bedroom but the back door was dark. Her outside light in back was off, too. He slid the glasses back down after texting Winnie he was here. He made his way across. Winnie’s door opened and she slipped out.
He pulled her close, tasting her lips which held the faint taste of mint. He pulled back and slid a pair of glasses on her, too.
“Yes, lead the way.”
Holding her hand, he led her back through the field and through the fences. Instead of having her clamber through the last one, he lifted her up over his shoulder and climbed over. When she started to protest, he gave a light slap to her ass.
“Shh. Sound travels at night,” he whispered.
Taking her off his shoulder and allowing her to slide down his front made him wish they could just take each other here, but Winnie had wanted a ride. She was helping at the bar tomorrow and wouldn’t be riding in the toy run.
He stashed the goggles in his backpack and waited while Winnie got her helmet.
“Can you carry this on your back or do you want me to strap it down?”
“Carry is good. It’s a beautiful night for a ride. The sky is clear and the moon is bright. I’m ready to snuggle up with my man.”