Page 31 of Bear
“Then you need to clean up your words because I’m not having my granddaughter get in trouble at school because of your trash mouth.”
Locks shoved Rascal’s shoulder. “We both know who has a trash mouth. You’ll be the one corrupting our grandkids. I wonder if they have bikes. I should check on that. I’m not above bribing for favorite granddad status.”
Winnie’s hand grasped his, squeezing lightly as they walked through the door. He could do this. With Winnie by his side and his MC, he could take on the world.
Winnie held Bear’shand as they entered the kitchen and paused at the sight. Beth and Sarah had Grant and David between them. They had snacks out and were running race cars across the top of the bar. Jesse was coloring with Phoebe. Regina sat beside her with one of the twins. Plates of cut up cinnamon roll, and pieces of fruit and toast were beside both kids. Baron was holding the baby which Rascal immediately took from him. Roam was holding Georgia and pouring drinks for everyone. Remington had a phone to her ear and paper and pen in front of her.
“Officer Bear, have you tasted Nana’s cinn’mon rolls?”
Bear let go of her hand, walking over to Phoebe. He bent down closer to her. “I have, and did you know she taught me how to make them?”
Phoebe’s eyes opened wide. “I want ’em for every meal. Kay?”
Bear brushed her hair away from her face and the frosting smears across her cheeks. “How about we save them for breakfast and maybe special snacks? She has some really good chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese she makes that is really yummy. I want you to have room for that.”
Phoebe nodded and leaned her head toward Bear. “Kay.”
“Okay, where are we at? I’m sure you all have accomplished a lot while we were out chatting. My house is larger than Bear’s room here so we’ll be staying there.”
Remington hung up the phone and turned toward her. “Don’t think when we get everything organized that we won’t be having a little sister chat about keeping stuff from all of us but for now, Jesse and Cannon are going to run over and grab one of the company’s SUVs. One of Regina’s friends is dropping off car seats. She only uses them when her grandkids visit and they aren’t here this week.
“Beth contacted Whiskey because he’d mentioned he’d be visiting someone in Coldwater. He hadn’t left Dodge City yet so he’s going to buy a variety of formula. Text him which one the baby is currently on. He’ll also grab diapers. He said he’d be driving right by here anyway.
“Flick is almost off shift and is grabbing a new parent pack from the firehouse. He said it will have samples of kids’ medicine and some other items you might need. Scoop is grabbing a couple guys and moving some of the extra baby and kid items from Regina’s house for you to borrow. They have duplicates since Roam moved in with them. Regina’s mobilized her posse for kids’ clothes.”
“We are not a posse. If you’re going to call us a group name, I want something cool and hip.”
“Mom, I don’t think hip is the in word right now,” Roam said.
“Here, Mom, let me take Georgia and then you can help organize,” War offered.
“Suck up,” Roam muttered as he rolled his eyes.
“Can we pause and wonder how Beth had Whiskey’s number and knew where he was spending Christmas?” Jesse’s teasing voice had Beth glaring at her.
“We’ll table that for later. We figure we’ll get you set up to get through the next twenty-four hours and then we can make a list of what all you want. I’m always up for a shopping trip and have no problem braving the day after Christmas shoppers in Dodge City or if we need a bigger place, Wichita.”
“I’d go with you, Remi, but I’d also babysit if you guys need help,” Beth offered.
Winnie walked over to David. He was looking a little scared. She couldn’t imagine how they felt. Losing their mom and having a strange person in charge of them. It had taken three days for them to bring the kids to Bear.
Where had the children been during that time? She didn’t know but she knew these kids were going to have the best life she and Bear could give them. She and Bear were always going to be together and this just sped it up a little. Her man loved children. She’d watched how he loved on Roam’s kids. She’d always wanted a family and these kids needed her.
“David, I might need your help a little,” she whispered to him. He had frosting on his lips and was running a car across the bar. He and Grant were crashing them together every so often. Grant would break out giggling and David’s mouth would quirk up but he didn’t giggle. He didn’t have much to giggle about, but she’d help him find his happiness and his sunshine again.
“Why?” he whispered back.
“I need to figure out what toys we need. I also think we might need to figure out maybe a swing set or an outdoor fort. Would you help me make a list of some fun things?”
He turned toward her, tears pooling in his eyes, and wrapped his arms around her neck. She lifted him and cuddled him close, his little body shaking in her arms. She patted his back. She didn’t know what to say. His whole little world had been ripped apart. He was scared, missing his mom, and in a new place with people he didn’t know besides Bear.
Locks walked over and patted his back. “Hey, buddy, it’s okay to cry. I know you miss your mom but your mom knew Bear and his family would love you and take care of you.”
His head pulled away from her neck, glancing up at her dad. “You wuv me?”
Locks’ grin spread across his face, his teeth bright between his beard. “Of course, I love you. You, your sister and your little brother are my first grandkids. I get to spoil you and play with you. I think Winnie’s right. Your house needs a swing set or fort or both. Do you think if I asked nice she might let me help, too?”
David’s earnest eyes pleaded with her. “I think we’ll let anybody who wants to help because then it will happen faster.”