Page 34 of Bear
Cassidy had been nothing like his incubator. She’d fought to keep her kids safe and she just needed a little help. He’d been in a position to provide it. Now that he was past the shock of becoming a father to three, he’d need to have Scoop look into what had happened. The social worker had mentioned an incident but hadn’t elaborated. He needed to know exactly what had happened and if his kids were in danger.
Rascal walked back in. “I burped him. He’s all yours, old man.”
Noah eagerly reached for the baby and cuddled him next to his shoulder. “I’ll head in and we’ll cuddle for a nap.” Noah paused when the baby grunted then the sound of him filling his diaper echoed in the kitchen. “Seriously, is this what type of grandpa you’re going to be?”
Bear watched to see how his dad would respond to Noah’s manipulation.
“Quit being whiney. If he’d filled his diaper before I brought him back, I would have taken care of him. He was in your arms when it happened so act like an adult and take care of him. I don’t want a whiney fucking grandparent as my co-grandparent.”
Winnie woke to littlehands patting her face lightly. Cracking open her eyes, Phoebe and David were leaning over her face, their noses almost touching hers.
“Officer Bear’s not here. He didn’t leave us, did he?”
She sat up, pulling the kids closer for a hug. “Good morning. I don’t see the monitor so I’m sure he’s up with your baby brother. Bear and I won’t be leaving you. We love you and you’re ours. Now, we might be gone at different times because we both have work but you’ll always be with somebody in the family who loves you. I’m hungry. Shall we go potty and then see about some breakfast?”
Winnie quickly had the kids through the morning routine. Phoebe was holding her hand tightly and David had wanted her to carry him. It would most likely take a long time for them to understand this was home. She paused in the doorway at Locks and Rascal disagreeing in the kitchen.
“Oh, you said a bad word.” Phoebe turned to Bear. “Are you going to put him in timeout?”
Bear smiled at her. Her man freaking smiled and leaned down close.
“I don’t know how timeout will work with him.”
“You know, we may be fine but we can always use college money. How about a swear jar for you guys?” Winnie grinned at Rascal’s smirk. He pulled his wallet out and pulled out five twenties.
“That should cover me for a couple weeks.”
Phoebe walked closer to the money, her finger running across the closest bill. She turned back to Winnie with wide open eyes.
“I think we should keep track. I think he’s going to say a lot of bad words. We don’t want to miss out on any.”
Bear picked her up. “That’s an excellent idea. How about a doughnut for breakfast?”
Winnie helped David get situated and let him pick his doughnut. She leaned closer to Bear. Brushing a kiss across his lips, his beard rubbed against her face.
“When did the grands get here?”
His arm slipped around her shoulders, brushing a kiss against her cheek while keeping an eye on the kids.
“They showed up when I flipped the light on to give the baby his bottle. They’ve got our whole day planned, including cleaning out bedrooms.”
Winnie filled a cup of coffee, giggling at her dad’s glare at Rascal when he came in with a freshly changed baby. Which brought up an issue—the baby needed a name. She didn’t want to upset the kids but if their mom had already picked a name, she wanted to honor that. There wasn’t an easy way to ask so she might as well just throw it out there.
“I think we need something else to call your baby brother. Had your mom said a name you were going to call him?”
Phoebe shook her head no.
“Okay, then it’s up to us. I’m thinking we start making a list and then think through what sounds right. I bet one of my sisters has some posterboard we can use.”
David took a huge bite of doughnut then answered. “Wike Fred.”
She had no clue what he’d said but maybe when he was done they could figure it out. She heard honking along with the rumble of multiple motorcycles.
“Looks like our help is here.”
Locks handed off the baby and he, Rascal, and Bear headed outside. She picked up her phone and texted her sisters.
Winnie: If anyone is up, I need backup. Testosterone overload with the males thinking I should be the only one staying with the kids, apparently.