Page 5 of Bear
Chapter Four
Winnie parked the SUVand stared at the house. Rascal was going out of town for the night and would be back late Saturday. He was guest tattooing at a shop in Wichita. He’d asked her to either stay at his house with Bear or he would bring Bear to hers.
She’d opted for his because if they were at hers, Bear could leave. She’d dropped by a meal earlier in the week—Bear had grunted. She hadn’t texted or called because she was giving him a little space. In the hospital, she’d been all gung-ho about winning him and one week in, she was getting irritated and a little depressed. Of course, it could be because she had the cramps. She was hurting, irritable and if he pissed her off, she might just do something she’d regret.
She’d run out of any sweets or chocolate at her house because she was a week early. She ate healthy but when she was on her period or was sick, she ate comfort food. This was one of those times when she wished she lived in a big city and not a small town. The only place left open that carried candy was the gas station and it didn’t have what she liked.
Winnie grabbed her bags and locked the SUV, walking up to the door. Ringing the bell, she listened. She thought Rascal was waiting to leave until she arrived but the house seemed quiet.
The door was yanked open and Bear’s scowling face stared at her. “What?”
“Where’s Rascal?”
She’d much prefer to answer his question with Rascal around. Bear grumpy was one thing to deal with. The pissed off vibes that was almost suffocating her with its intensity was another.
“I’m here, Winnie,” Rascal yelled as he strode toward the door. “I told you she’s staying with you while I’m gone. We discussed this.”
“No, you ordered. I’m fucking forty-five and don’t need a babysitter,” Bear growled.
Rascal rolled his eyes, shaking his head. “Oh, so it wasn’t you that did too much and couldn’t move yesterday morning? It wasn’t you who moaned and begged for pain pills before you tried to get out of bed?”
“You know, other people have dads who support them—not ridicule them.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Grass is always greener shit. Sometimes parents have to tell their adult son to quit being a pussy and accept some help. Winnie, please come in. The second bedroom down the hall is ready for you.”
“Um, sure.”
Winnie wasn’t sure what Rascal’s plan was but ticking Bear off before he left didn’t seem like the best idea. She hurried down the hall, aching with every step. Dropping her stuff off, she returned to what appeared to be a staring contest. She didn’t feel well enough to wait forever on them.
“I’m hungry. Bear, have you eaten yet?”
Bear broke the stare, turning to Winnie and shaking his head.
“Okay, well, let me check out the kitchen and see our options.”
“Regina dropped off chicken tortilla soup and some fresh bread,” Bear commented, then reached his arms to gingerly hug Rascal. “I love you, old man, even when you meddle in my life.”
Winnie turned and headed to the kitchen to heat up the soup.
Bear leaned back, comfortableagainst the couch. He and Winnie were sitting side by side with their feet resting on the large ottoman. If he wasn’t enjoying the movie, he’d be closing his eyes because he was so comfortable. Regina’s chicken tortilla soup had his stomach full.
He’d been irritated at Rascal’s maneuvering but despite being achy, he’d enjoyed it. Being around Winnie made him happy.
Winnie didn’t seem as comfortable. She’d eaten but she kept shifting around. A couple times she’d pressed on her stomach and winced. He wasn’t sure what was going on but he was finding out. He paused the movie.
“Are you okay?”