Page 51 of Bear
Winnie shivered at the coldness in Regina’s tone. The sweet, loving grandmother had morphed into someone Winnie didn’t want to meet in a dark alley.
“I might have known you’d be here with them, bitch,” Gnat whined.
Regina nodded at Remington and Winnie. Winnie wanted the lead. She craved to see fear on Gnat’s face. The same type of fear her man had experienced his whole life whenever he was subjected to Gnat exploding into his life.
Winnie walked over in front of Gnat, who was sitting on the couch with her hands on her lap.
“We’re here for a chat. Bear is mine and with me, comes my whole fucking family. You will never and I mean never go near him again or anyone in my family. Just because I think you might be a little dense, I’m going to be clear. Bluff Creek is off limits to you, meaning you don’t even use the highway that passes by it to get somewhere. If you happen to see Bear or anyone in my family someplace where you’re at, fucking run until you’re at least ten miles away.”
Gnat laughed, which wasn’t what Winnie was expecting. If six armed women had broken into her house, she’d be worried.
“It’s funny you think you have control. Enjoy those babies while you can. You won’t have them long.”
Winnie held her gun up toward Gnat’s face and leaned over her. Gnat threatening her children had anger overtaking her. “Explain.”
“Oh, I’m not going to explain. You’ll find out soon enough then everything in his world will fall apart. Get out of my house before I call the cops.”
Winnie had no idea what was going on but this wasn’t how she’d envisioned Bear’s incubator. Winnie nodded her head at Sarah and Beth to search the house. They’d worked together long enough they didn’t need words. Regina touched shoulders with Winnie, tilting her head toward Gnat questioningly.
Winnie nodded. If Regina could get through to her better, then more power to her. Nothing was making sense. She glanced around the house. It was a nice three-bedroom ranch style. The couch and recliners along with the television looked new and definitely hadn’t been from a thrift store. If Gnat was so hard up for money she was squeezing Bear for it, then how was she affording this house?
“Kendra, what’s going on?” Regina sat down on the couch beside Gnat. If Winnie hadn’t heard Regina talking in the car, she’d assume Regina was sitting down with her best friend.
“Oh look, Baron’s little goody two shoes bride wants to help me. I don’t need your help. I’ve got friends now.”
Regina stared at Gnat for a minute. Winnie couldn’t tell if Regina was trying to unnerve Gnat or was thinking through what to do next. Regina smiled and then slid closer to Gnat. She leaned close, whispering in her ear. Gnat’s confident smile dimmed as Regina continued talking.
Sarah and Beth returned. Sarah nodded. Maybe whatever Sarah and Beth had found would help.
Regina stood up. “Any last words you need to tell her, Winnie?”
“I’ll reiterate this to you just in case you missed it. Do not contact Bear. Do not do anything in regards to the children and keep at least ten miles between you and Bear. If you choose to violate any of the rules, I’ll assume you want the consequences.”
“Fuck you and your consequences. When this is all over, you’ll be gone and I’ll be left standing to spit over your graves.”
Remington walked closer, nudging Winnie to the side. “Now see, we were just here to deliver a message but you had to escalate it. I can’t decide if you’re just stupid or trying to provoke something.” Remington cocked her eyebrow at Sarah.
“Nothing’s recording. I’m jamming anything but I didn’t detect any devices.”
“Remington, if we’re going to need to dispose of something, I’m going to need to get the trash bags from the car. You didn’t mention we’d be going scorched earth when we walked up.”
Remington rolled her eyes then stared at Gnat. “As the oldest, I kind of have a bit of a temper. We have to plan for all eventualities hence the dark clothes. Blood is such a pain to get out of white clothes. I guess it all comes down to you. Are you going to continue to threaten us or are you going to agree to abide by the rules?”
Remington walked closer, grabbed Gnat’s hair, and tilted her head back. Sliding her gun up against her chin, she leaned down to whisper, “I’m good with either but it’s your call.”
Gnat jerked her head back from the gun, rolling her eyes to scrutinize each of them. Winnie wondered what she’d choose. Killing Gnat would be crossing a line for them and despite wanting to protect Bear, she wasn’t there yet.
“I’ll follow your stupid rules.”
Remington released Gnat, giving her a little shove as she backed away. “Ladies, are we done here?”
Everyone nodded but Regina. “How about you ladies go out the front door? I have one more thing to say to Kendra before we leave.”
Winnie decided as long as there wasn’t any possibility of Regina getting hurt, she didn’t see any harm in it. They walked on the front porch and waited for Regina. A couple minutes later, Regina walked out. Winnie had tried to listen but couldn’t hear anything from inside the house. Once they were buckled in, Winnie couldn’t wait any longer.
“What did you say to her?”
Regina smirked. “I gave her a little reminder.”