Page 13 of All My Firsts
I got caught off guard that he was still talking to me. These unfamiliar feelings teemed through my body, deep in my core, creating a warmth that spread. The newness of this was unnerving, sending shivers from head to toe. I was sure I was blushing; thank God my face was still red from running. I took a breathand focused.
“Yeah, we, uh, actually had a great time. I even had a few beers when we got there.” Xander couldn’t understand the magnitude ofthis for me.
“Do you not normally drink? You say that like it was yourfirst time.”
And even though his comment could have been hurtful, he was not the least bit condescending, justperceptive.
“I didn’t drink the last few years I was in Texas. Lots to that backstory there. And the other night was my first chance to actually do it here. I haven’t been very social since I’ve gotten to school. Not for lack of Becca trying, but I was resisting. I’m trying to let her break me in slowly now, though. I’m doing OK, but as you saw, I still have my moments. Thank you again, by the way. You were reallynice to me.”
I felt myself blushing a bit at the confessions I divulged. I had to look away, still embarrassed about my blunders from the other day.
At the same time, I blushed from his simple touch to my leg, a touch that vibrated through my body like atuning fork.
And I wanted him to touch me again atthat moment.
I stared out over the pond, trying to take my mind off the memory, hoping he mistook my shaking and goosebumps for nerves rather than desire. I was confused by these feelings, these emotions. I didn’t know him.
“Well, I’m glad I could help, and don’t we all have things back at home we would like to leave there, right?” He looked out over the pond contemplatively after saying that. “So, if you’re still looking to try to get out more, maybe Icould help.”
I looked over, very hopeful at this point, but at the same time nervous he might ask me out. I didn’t want a boyfriend, but for some reason, I welcomed his interest in me.
“I like to have room parties sometimes, and I’m going to have one in a few days. Was thinking you, Logan, Becca, and Ty would like to come. I can’t invite everyone on the floor, and most freshmen don’t get an invite, but I’d thought I’d ask you since you don’t get out much.” He said this with a wink, but all I could focus on was the fact that he paired me off with Logan when hewas talking.
Did he think Logan and I were together?
“That’s awesome. Thanks for thinking of us. I’ll definitely be there, and I’m sure Becca will, too. I’ll let the guys know. They might have something going on; I’m not sure.”
I sat back on the bench, feeling our time here was nearing an end but not wanting it to. He started fiddling withhis earbuds.
I looked over at him and he was staring at me, which should have made me uncomfortable, but of course, with him, it didn’t. I challenged his stare, hoping to keep him here longer. His dark waves were falling over his eyes a bit, and he ran his hand through them to move them outof his face.
And that may have been the single most sexy thing I had ever seen.
Oh man, I had it bad, yet he thought I was interested in someone else.
“Sure, Lanie. You not running anymore?”
“No, I’m pretty comfy right here, and I’m really liking this view. I’ve been out running for over half an hour anyway, early morning for me. I’m going to hang here for a bit.” God, why do I always ramblearound him?
He smiled as he got up from the bench and shuffled backward as he spoke again. “I’m sure I’ll see you later, onour floor.”
He then decided to lift his shirt to use it as a towel for his sweaty forehead, giving me a full-frontal view of his torso.
And oh my God.
The view provided by this move included the tight, muscled V that receded into his shorts. It left me wanting to see more, hoping for more. I only had seconds to recover before he pulled his hands back down from his face, his eyes finding mineimmediately.
“Bye, Lanie.” He waved and gave me an earth-shattering smile that exposed his equally appealing dimple.
He was on his way down the path around the pond. My heart was still pounding from the display I witnessed as I continued to watch him until he was out of sight. Any healthy girl would; he was gorgeous when running.
I should have felt happy or content knowing I’d see him at the party in a few days, yet all I felt was a sense of foreboding. This insecure feeling I had because of what he thought about me and Logan didn’t sit right, and I needed to fix it.
But I didn’t know how.
I didn’t even understandwhy I cared.
Chapter 5