Page 90 of All My Firsts
Eventually, the questions ended. “Just sit back and relax,” the tech said. “We’ll be at the hospital soon.” They both resumed filling out whatever forms they needed to on their respective devices, leaving me to myself.
But I couldn’t relax. Not knowing what was going on back at school was driving me crazy. I peered out the small window, trying to see if anyone was following us, hoping to get a glimpse of Bryce in a cop car maybe. But I saw nothing but the passing trees alongthe highway.
I had never feltmore alone.
I looked around the ER bay they put me in, realizing my bag had gotten lost in the craziness, which meant my phone was misplaced as well. I was completely cut off from everyone, and I didn’t like it. I still felt like a prisoner, even if I wasn’t with Max.
Suddenly, the curtain tore open and a man I’d never seen before charged into the tiny area I was being housed in. He took up a lot of the remaining space with his wide frame. His suit was rumpled, as if he’d been at work for many days.
“Elaina Montgomery?” he asked in my direction, holding an official-looking folder in his hands, and he had a badgeon his belt.
I nodded. “Yes,” I answered feebly.
At that moment, a nurse entered our space, completely ignoring the apparent “official” stranger that had joined me. She grabbed my wrist and scanned the bracelet they had placed there. “The doctor will be in shortly to stitch you up, sweetie. How’s your head feeling?” Her calm demeanor was welcome after the chaos of the night. I didn’t want her to leave my side. I almost latched onto her hand to keepher with me.
“It’s better.” My meek response as I peeked at the looming figure behind her didn’t go unnoticed.
“Well, good. I’m glad to hear it. You let me know if you need anything else for the pain.” She patted my hand before spinning on her heels to face the now impatient visitor. “And you,” she said sternly, almost pressing her pointer finger into his chest. “I know you need to talk to her, but go easy on her. She’s had a rough night.” She turned and gave me a small smile before walking out and pulling the curtain closed.
“Yes, ma’am,” the stranger responded, yet she had already left.
He was a burly guy. My assumption was he was from the FBI. He looked around the tight space we were in and huffed infrustration.
“Elaina,”he started.
“Lanie. Please call me Lanie,” I corrected him.
“Lanie.” His voice softened a bit. He looked around the space again, but I couldn’t decipher what he was looking for. “Don’t they have chairs in this godforsaken place?” he exclaimed. Then his gaze landed on me. “Any chance I can sit here on the cot with you? It’s been a long night, and I’m fuckingexhausted.”
Agent Simcox didn’t have much to say to me. He asked very basic questions. “How did Max get you to come outside? Where is your phone? Who is Karl?” That was kind of it. He wouldn’t give me any information about Xander or Max, but he was nice at least.
My stitches were done, and the doctor told me he didn’t think I was suffering from shock. The only thing they were waiting for was the bag of fluids to finish in the IV, and for my ride to arrive. Considering I didn’t have my phone, I had no idea who I waswaiting for.
I tried to calm my mind as I lay in the bed. But it was near impossible. The events of the night kept circling through my head when I closed my eyes. The blood, the gun, the FBI. That coupled with a headache was why I couldn’t getcomfortable.
“Where can I find Lanie Montgomery?” I heard a familiar voice off in the distance.
“Bay four,” someone had offeredin response.
The curtain tore back.
“There you are, kiddo.” Bryce looked a bit frazzled, but happy to see me. He smiled, but not completely. And he looked distracted. So I knew things still weren’t completely settled yet back at the scene. But he did plop my bag on the bednext to me.
“Hey, Bryce. And thanks for this. I thought it was gone.” I hoped he wasn’t upset by the disappointment in my face and voice, but I think he understood. Agent Simcox told me they had Max in custody, so I thought it would be Xander coming topick me up.
Bryce eyed up the needle in my arm and the wires still attached to me. “I guess you’re not quite ready to go yet?” he asked. He pulled the curtain completely open, looking for someone to help, it seemed. “Let’s try to get you out of here. I need to get back.”
“Bryce,” I cried, my weak voice squeaking out through some tears. He froze, halfway in the hall of the ER, and turned my way. The broken look on his face as he raced to my bedside made mecry harder.
“Shit, Lanie.” He reached down as he sat on the narrow cot and held me. “I’m sorry. I’m such an ass.” I held on to him, the need to let the pent-up emotion out strong. “I should’ve realized you’d be upset, need answers. I’m not so good at the sensitive side of being a cop yet.” He rubbed the back of my head, but I wasn’t calming down. My breathing was still erratic when I tried to talk.
“Where ... is he ... Bryce?”I hiccupped.
“Who, Lanie? Who do you want to know about?” He pulled away to look at me as he spoke. “They have Max in custody. Karl, he’s here, he’s in surgery. They think he’ll live.” He forced eye contact with me, holding my face. “Xander is fine, Lanie. He’s completely fine. Not a hair harmed on his body.”
All I could do in response to him was nod vigorously as more tears poured from my eyes and fell down my cheeks.
“They have him somewhere safe while they talk to him, OK? No need to worry. So, let’s get you out of here.” Bryce pulled away and stood, resuming his search for a nurse in the hallway. I did my best to calm myself, wiping my tears with my hands. “Hi,” Bryce said to someone off to the side that I couldn’t see. “I’m here to take Lanie Montgomery home. Any chance you could get her ready to go?”