Page 10 of Surviving Lies
Chapter 4
“Lanie, why did you let me drink that much last night?” I was still in bed, and it had to be close to dinnertime. It had not been a good day dealing with the consequences of yesterday’s overindulging.
“I didn’tletyou drink anything. I tried to get you to stop, but you refused to leave the game tables with your new bestie, so that’s all on you.” She actually sounded a little upset with me, and I guess I didn’t blame her. I flirted with Gage all night. Plus, my “new bestie,” as she called him, was supposed to make sure I didn’t get drunk.
And he failed.
I never saw Ty again the whole night, at least not up close. We exchanged looks from afar. Mine were smiles and giggles and his were glares, mostly intended for Gage. The night didn’t go in the direction I’d intended, especially with the way it started with me and Ty.
Gage was a perfect gentleman, despite what I felt may have been some effort on my part to encourage him otherwise. I wasn’t proud of it and was thankful for him being the type of person he was. Mixed with the drinking, I turned into the type of person I shouldn’t have been.
“I’m heading over to Xander’s. You going to be OK?” Lanie was halfway out my bedroom door while asking this question. She was not dressed for a night on the town; that was not what the two of them ever did. I was sure they already had the movie picked out – the one they wouldn’t be watching because they’d be knee-deep in each other’s business before it even got started.
“Yeah, I’m good. I’ll probably just put onThe Walking Deadto match my mood.” I rolled over but quickly decided a shower was in order as I could literally smell myself.
The hot spray did wonders, washing away the grime still on me from the day of drinking as well as clearing my head of all my negative thoughts. Because when I looked at my phone, the only messages I had were from my little brothers and my newest friend, Gage. Not a single text from Ty. Not that I should have any; I ended things with him. But I’d think he’d want to talk about stuff.
At least I would want to.
Gage had texted asking if I wanted to go shopping with him today to help with his new apartment. Considering how late it already was, I probably missed out on that. It would have worked, too, since I needed some things as well. I shot him a note, in case he was still interested, and continued to get dressed.
He responded immediately.
And I wasn’t used to that recently.
Hey Becca no I haven’t gone out yet, I’d love for you to join me I’ll be by in 10 What’s your apt number?
My mind was racing. Why was I doing this? Should I be doing this? I mean, I had donenothingwith him, but he was definitely attractive.
Going shopping with someone was not relationship stuff. I was not going on a date with him. This was friend stuff. Plus, even though Ty showed interest in me at the start of yesterday, it didn’t seem to carry over to today. As I debated what to do, I realized it made me feel immature, like a high schooler. I was a grown-ass woman, and I could do what I wanted. I wasn’t doing anything wrong by going shopping for things for our apartments. Ty had friends who were girls.
Well, he had Lanie as a friend. She’s a girl.
The argument going on in my head had spilled out of my mouth. I realized I was talking to myself, arguing aloud, as I was getting ready.
Thank God Lanie was gone, and neither of the other roommates were home, either. But I shot Lanie a message telling her where I was going, just in case I was dead in a ditch by the end of the night.
I ran down the stairs when I heard the beep, my heart beating out of my chest. I chalked that up to me needing more exercise. Upon opening the door, my stunned eyes took in a sight I never thought I’d see in person. It was the shade of a dark blue sky right before a storm was due to hit. The metallic shimmer sparkled as the waning sun hit it just the right way. As I walked closer, I took notice of the impeccable condition it was in.
“Holy shit, you have a Shelby convertible Mustang? This is one fine-ass car, Gage. I don’t even feel worthy to get inside.” He smiled his thousand-watt smile as I slid into the perfectly oiled leather seat next to him. The car was in pristine, restored condition.
“It’s no big deal. I worked a bit before coming back to school.” He tried to be nonchalant about it, but this was not some regular old car. “How do you know so much about cars?”
“Um, first, I call bullshit. No one can work for one year and afford this, and then quit, go back to school, and be able to live here. My parents are working their asses off to pay this rent for me.” I rubbed my hand along the dash, completely in love with it already. “And second, my dad is a car fanatic. He likes to work on cars in the garage all the time. Gets him out of the house with all the crazy kids.”
Gage laughed at my last comment.
“I never said I only worked for one year. And who told you I quit?” He looked over, and his expression was unreadable.
“I guess no one; I think I assumed that. How old are you?” I asked. Maybe I forgot what Lanie told me. “I thought someone said you graduated from here recently.”
“Well, I did, not too long ago. I’ve been out for three years. I work in the family business but decided I needed the master’s to keep moving up, so here I am.” That made him about twenty-five years old. Older than I originally thought he was. He turned his head and continued driving, not making a big deal about any of this. I followed his lead and dropped it as well. “My job is still there for me when I’m done.”
It piqued my interest why he would need another degree if he works for the family business. I guessed it was a cutthroat business.