Page 20 of Wicked Games
We were almost at her dorm. Once I’d found out she roomed with Piper, I knew where she lived. I just needed her number. At the entrance to her building, I turned her toward me, slid my fingers into her back pocket, pinched her phone, and pulled it out.
“What—” She took a hesitant step closer as I held it in front of her face to unlock it.
I put my number in and hit the button to call it. When my phone rang, I hung up. “Now I have your number. Promise to save some time for me soon. I’d like to get to know you better.”
Then I cupped her face, tangled my fingers in her hair, and when her lips parted, I kissed her with everything I had. My control was razor-thin, and it took more power than I thought to break the kiss and step away from her. Dilated, dazed green eyes stared intently into mine. Her swollen lips stayed slightly parted. She looked like a goddamn dream. But I knew the truth—she was a fucking nightmare.
I’d taken her ID when I pulled out her phone and used it to swipe the lock on the door. When it buzzed, I pulled it open and held it, handing back her things. “I’ll call you tomorrow. Promise to see me then?”
“Mm-hmm.” She nodded, spun on her heel, and ducked under my arm to enter the building.
My lips twitched as she walked inside, just as dazed and drugged from my kiss as I felt from touching her. I released the door and turned, only to stop short at the raven-haired beauty before me.
“Who the fuck was that?” Professor Elian hissed.
Where did she come from?I glanced behind Cindy but didn’t see a car parked on the side of the road. I straightened to my full height, her voice as effective as a bucket of cold water, dispelling the last traces of Winter’s lips.
Her hair hung disheveled around her face, falling to the tops of her shoulders and framing her pale features to accent the lack of her usual red lipstick. I couldn’t help but wonder if she had been sleeping with another student nearby. One whose bed she’d just left.
I held my ground, despite wanting to take a step back. “Are you okay?”
Arms crossed, her gaze turned haughty. “No. I’m not. Who the fuck was that girl?” She flung her arm toward the locked glass door to Winter’s dorm.
“Just a girl. And how is that any of your business?” I hardened my expression and took a step toward her, towering over her small, curvy frame. “Whatever you think is going on between us, you can forget it. I don’t answer to you or any other woman.”
“We had plans for this afternoon.” A dangerous tremor shook her whispered words.
I huffed, one side of my mouth curving into a mocking grin. “You may have wanted to see me, but I never agreed to meet up with you.”
“Because of your new girlfriend.”
“Not my girlfriend. Then again”—I loomed over her—“neither are you. It was fun, but I’m no longer interested.”
“You forget who I am.”
Please.She would be the one to get in trouble, not me. I laughed, and red stained her cheeks.
“We’re done. Go home to your husband.”
She stepped back before realizing what she’d done then planted her feet firmly where they were. “We’re done when I say we are.”
“Hardly.” I couldn’t believe her audacity. I left her standing there to head toward the football house.
We were good together in bed, and I knew I’d made her come more than her husband had probably in all the years they’d been married, but we weren’t a thing. It had always been temporary in my mind. Cindy had amazing curves, and she knew what she wanted. I’d liked that. She was bubbly and sexy. But I was bored of her and more than ready to move on.
And since I wasn’t her student, she held no power over me.
A cool breeze whipped through the campus, and I shoved my hands in my pockets. The closer I got to the house, the louder it became. No longer in the mood for a party, I changed directions to my SUV. I’d had enough of people for one night.
The night had been hellish hanging out with Winter—kissing her.How could a kiss with the girl who had tormented me so horrendously spark an almost uncontrollable desire?If I didn’t keep my head in the game, I would be fucked. Then I’d had to deal with Cindy’s jealousy on top of it all. I wasn’t up for it, not when my mind felt like it’d been put through a shredder.
Once on the road, I drove aimlessly. I had to maintain control when I touched Winter. I couldn’t let her affect me like that kiss had. It was the only way. And once she craved me like I was the air she needed to breathe, I would flip the script. I would have my revenge.
I sped by the few vehicles on the highway. It wasn’t a clear night. Not even stars or the moon shone overhead—only the glare of car lights and streetlamps. Maybe the beach would be a good option. I could walk along the shore, the waves breaking on the sand, soothing like nothing else. But I wasn’t crazy about being alone.
Given the option, I would have gone to Phoenix and Aspen’s place. It was late, but I knew Mom would be awake, as it was easier to maintain the same sleeping pattern since she worked nights. She’d mentioned she had the weekend off. Twenty minutes later, I pulled into the driveway where I’d grown up. Several lights were on inside. I used my key and let myself in.
“Mom,” I called, not wanting to startle her with the sound of the front door opening.