Page 10 of Apple of His Eye
“Considering I haven’t had a hot meal, clean clothes and a hot shower in ages, I’m going to go with a blessing.” I smile, but it turns into a yawn. His eyes narrow on me, like I’m a mystery he needs to figure out. “I can’t express how grateful I am to you. Any other person would have sent me packing. You’re a good man.”
“Wildcat, you do not know the man I am.”
“You saw someone in distress and did something about it. You can me shelter, this meal… hope.”
“I wasn’t fucking playing when I said the cunt will pay for what she’s done to you.”
“I know she’ll get her comeuppance, but please don’t do anything to put yourself in harm’s way. I don’t know what I would do if something happened to you because of me.” I yawn again, feel my eye grow heavier.
“Come on, we’ll figure shit out in the morning,” he murmurs, taking my hand and guiding me to his bedroom.
Shit. Didn’t he say he only has one room set up right now?
Does that mean…
“You can have the bed. I’ll knock out on the couch.”
“You don’t have to do that,” I prompt, disregarding the thought of falling asleep next to him.
I can’t think like that.
I barely know this man.
I’m just tired, I summarize, forgetting to argue any further with him. That’s what this is, right? Just my mind wandering from exhaustion.
I barely remember the trip to the gigantic bed before my hits the pillow and I pass out.
* * *
“Wildcat,I need you to wake up.”
“Huh?” I murmur from the dredges of sleep and jolt awake. I try to open my eyes, but it’s too damn bright. Sunlight pours in from the window to my right.
My right? No, that can’t be right. My window faces north.
What the hell? Where am I?
“Everleigh?” the same voice calls from somewhere in the room, but I’m blinded and disoriented.
I squint against the brightness, sit up, and barely make out the man at the end of the bed.
Averylarge man.
I cry out and throw my hands up to protect myself.
No. No. No.
He said I would be safe… he…
“Woah, woah, Wildcat… it’s okay. You’re safe.” This time the voice comes from next to me, and I feel large steel arms surrounding me. The familiar timbre penetrates through my panic, and I relax against him.