Page 18 of Apple of His Eye
I did that a lot.
Every night.
It was the only was to keep from going crazy with need.
But it was never enough.
When she finally broke down and talked to me again, it was only to inform me she planned to go to the mall with Mimi and Naya. I felt like a dad telling his daughter to be safe, and I fucking hated that.
There’s nothing about the way I feel that is remotely platonic. Even though I intended our relationship to be nothing more than friendship, I can’t stop thinking about her in ways I know I shouldn’t.
And I didn’t know if I really wanted to stop, either.
When Mimi and Naya corned me with morning, demanding I go shopping with them, I didn’t have the energy to turn them down. And not because Naya was teasing my senses with the delicious smelling coffee she had prepared for me.
I swear this girl is a coffee guru. She must have been a barista in another life.
If I’m honest, I’m glad I came out with them today. Even though we’ve been followed from store to store by one Jackal—per Kohen’s insistence. It was the only compromise we could agree to, because the man nearly came unglued when I told him about my plans.
After what seems like hours of shopping, we stopped in the food court for some lunch.
“Girl, you have got to tell us what the hell is going on between you and V.” Mimi sips on her sweet tea, her caramel eyes wide with curiosity.
“Right? I got to know, like, how good is his dick?” Mimi’s blonde counterpart nods enthusiastically.
“There’s nothing going on between us.” I shrug, feeling a heated flush creep across my face. They’ve been dancing around the subject all morning but I still wasn’t prepared to talk about Kohen and I. Other than the fact he has deemed me off limits to the club, and privately states his claim on me is only for my protection, I don’t know what is going on between us.
There is an attraction, at least on my part. A natural pull towards him. When he’s not near, I think about him. And when he is near, I feel like I can’t get close enough. I don’t know if he feels the same, but anytime things move in that direction, he finds an excuse to change the subject.
“What the fuck do you mean there’s nothing going on?” Mimi asks, a frown borrowing into her brow, almost like she’s having a hard time believing me. “Have you seen the way he looks at you? Better yet, have you seen the way you look at him?”
“It’s complicated.” I give her, because honestly, it’s all I have. Itiscomplicated. And my lack of experience in this department makes it even more difficult for me.
“How complicated can it be? Just jump on that dick.”
“Mimi.” Naya exclaims.
“What?” Mimi shrugs, like it’s no big deal. “Haven’t you always wondered?”
“I don’t understand, haven’t you two…” I trail off because the idea of him being with someone else does something to me. I can’t explain it, but it makes me territorial over him. Even though I don’t have the right to be.
“I wish,” Mimi sighs, her answer giving me major relief. I don’t know what I would do if either had been with him. “As far as I know, there’s only been one sweet butt who got to find out what that man is packing. She moved on a few years back and took that secret with her.”
“You know…I’ve often wondered if pussy is his thing. I don’t think I’ve never seen him with anyone, and he’s always turned me down when I’ve offered.” Naya frowns, looking deep in thought. “But then you came along, Snow. That man is into you.”
“We’ve all tried at one point or another. Hell, if that man gave me the time of day, I hop on that dick faster than—”
“Mimi,” Naya interjects, flicking her head in my direction.
“Shit. Sorry, Snow,” she stutters, but I don’t blame her. Kohen is an Adonis. Any woman would be a fool if they didn’t want a shot with him.
“He’s something nice to look at, that’s for sure,” I chuckle, waving my hand.
“Nothing’s happened between you two?”