Page 20 of Apple of His Eye
“Interesting because I don’t remember hearing anything about,” she starts, but Mimi talks over her this time.
“That’s right, you and Pretty Boy disappeared right before church let out,” she smirks, like a cat playing with its prey. “I’ve never seen V so territorial about a woman. He even draped his cut over her shoulders.”
Naya smiles right alongside the redhead, and I realize they’re both getting pleasure out of seeing Maria flounder over the news. “I thought you said something was going on between the two of you, Maria, didn’t you?”
Maria’s mouth opens and shuts, like she’s trying to come up with something to say. “I—I never said we were exclusive.”
“Interesting, because he told me wasn’t into sweet butts,” I say, bringing her attention back to me. She rolls her eyes and fidgets with her hair.
“Oh, sweetheart, don’t you see? I’m sure he said that to you because he didn’t want you worrying about living in the same house as his lovers. Hell, I’d probably tell you the same thing if I were in his shoes.” She sounds so fucking smug. It makes me want to claw her eyes out. “If I were you, I know I couldn’t deal with the women he fucks on the side.”
“So, you have heard of me?” She preens like a fucking peacock and all I can think about is how good this is going to make me feel.
“I’ve also heard how you’ve desperately desires my man’s dick—only toneverget it,” I chuckle, going in for the kill. “I’ve also heard about how loose your pussy has become. Be careful sweet butt, or you’ll find yourself turned out on the street.”
“Watch yourself, bitch—”
“Old Lady,” I cut it.
“Excuse me?”
“I think the term you’re looking for is Old Lady. As in Vortex’s Old Lady,” I lean back, narrowing my eyes on her. She might have me questioning some things Kohen’s led to me to believe, but I’ll be damned if I let her see that. “Which, correct me if I’m wrong,” I refer to Mimi and Naya and continue. “Trumps club ass, and you exactly that. A piece of club ass. Nothing more. So, remember that the next time you open your mouth to me.”
Maria doesn’t like me. I can tell by the way she seethes after this last comeback. But I don’t give a fuck. I don’t like her either.
“You might have the title, but I guarantee your man will be back in my bed the second his shiny new toy loses its glamor.” Maria stands and tosses her hair over her shoulder. She thought I was a little mouse. She didn’t expect me to bite back. “Men like Vortex don’t fuck around. They need proper women who know what they’re doing. Not little girls trying to place house.”
With that, Maria flounces away almost as fast as she appeared. It takes everything inside of me to remain in my seat and act like her words didn’t strike their target.
“Damn, girl, you are fucking fierce,” Naya interrupts, tearing my attention from Maria’s fading form. “Don’t read into anything that bitch said. V would never touch her. The only reason the Jackals keep her around is because of Pretty Boy. He has some strange fascination with her.”
“I don’t know what the fuck he sees in her,” Mimi sighs, almost like she’s heart sick about the whole thing. “It’s not like the Maria’s pussy is gold—believe me, I’ve seen it a time or two.”
“What? Gross?” Naya shudders, but Mimi doesn’t elaborate, and for that I’m grateful. The last thing I care to know about is anything regarding Maria and her private parts.
“I really heard someone complaining about her,” I admit with a chuckle. “They don’t get why Vortex hasn’t kicked her ass to the curb. Said she was a problem for Shakespeare at one point, too.”
“Oh shit, I almost forgot about that. She was obsessed with that poor guy, and pisses when he got with his Old Lady, Henley. We call her Duchess.”
“To be honest, I think she takes advantage of Pretty Boy. She’s only with him when he blasted out of his mind, and then she sweeps him off to his room. They never fuck with anyone around,” Mimi explains, and I wonder for a moment if she has a thing for the biker. The way she looks when talking about him almost feels unrequited.
“ Holy shit, I’ve got an idea,” Naya exclaims. Her caramel eyes are alight with excitement.
“What? How to get rid of Maria?” Mimi asks.
“No, fuck that bitch,” Naya frowns and turns toward me. “I know how you’re going to get Vortex to admit he feels something for Snow.”
“Oh, shit.” Mimi claps her hands. “Let’s do it.”
“You don’t even know what her idea is yet, or if I want to take part,” I laugh.
“How would you feel about performing a little dance on the pole?” Naya asks, ignoring the part where I said I didn’t know if I wanted to take part.
“Are you crazy? V nearly lost his shit when he saw her practicing the move I showed her.” Mimi smiles even bigger, fidgeting eagerly.
“I don’t mean at the clubhouse. I mean at Coconuts.”