Page 143 of Breakaway Hearts
Callie’s eyes widen. “Oh my god.”
“Yeah.” I scowl at the memory of confronting my ex. “So I should be the one apologizing to you, Firefly. I hate that you doubted my feelings for you for even a second, and I don’t want you to ever feel that way again.”
She squeezes my fingers lightly, looking down at our joined hands. “To be honest, there will probably be times when I’ll get insecure. When I’ll doubt myself or read something online that gets me in my head. But I’m working on that. I don’t want to be held back by those fears anymore. So if you promise to be patient with me, I promise not to run away next time I get scared.”
“Of course.” I tug her onto my lap so that she’s straddling me and wrap my arms around her, needing her even closer. “I’m proud of you, Firefly. You’re the most incredible woman I know.”
“You’re the most incredible man I know.”
She slides her fingers through my hair, scraping my scalp lightly with her nails and making a shiver run through me. My cock twitches, hardening against her lush ass, and I groan.
The grin that crosses her face is both sinful and sweet, as if she’s proud of the effect she has on me. Hell, she should be. She’s the only woman in the world who’s ever brought me to my knees.
“Need you,” I murmur, my voice rough.
“I need you too,” she breathes as she lowers her lips to mine.
I grip her full waist and rock my hips upward, smiling into our kiss.
“You’ll always have me, Firefly. I’m all yours.”
“Almost done,” Reese declares as he hauls one of the last of the boxes into his house.
He sets it down, wipes his hands on his jeans, and lifts me into his arms.
I let out a little squeal, and he laughs before kissing my cheek and setting me back gently onto the floor.
I can’t believe it’s already been several weeks since we got back together. In that time, we’ve spent countless hours together, making up for the time we lost over the years, exploring each other’s bodies and connecting on deeper and deeper levels. Discussing things we weren’t able to talk about as just friends. Things that existed as secrets but don’t have to anymore.
And now I’m officially moving back into his house.
We decided to take things a bit slow and not move back in together right away, but a few weeks of that was about all either of us could take before we missed each other too much to stay apart. We spent pretty much every night together anyway, either at my place or his, but I missed the little things about living with him.
Thankfully, now I won’t have to anymore. It feels so good to be back.
To behome.
“What can I do for you today, Firefly?” Reese asks, running his fingers through the ends of my messy ponytail.
“I think you’ve done plenty,” I point out, gesturing to the box he just finished carrying inside.
“Nah.” He shakes his head. “That’s not nearly enough. What else can I do for you?”
I grin, my stomach fluttering. “You can love me.”
“Done,” he says instantly, cupping my face and pressing a kiss to my lips. “Give me something harder next time.”
We head outside to grab the last few boxes from the moving truck, and I can’t help side-eyeing Reese appreciatively as his biceps pop while he carries the biggest two into the house, leaving me to grab the smaller one. It’s no wonder that he can pick me up with ease, moving me wherever he wants me as he fucks me. It’s such a huge turn on, and I’ll never get tired of it.
We set the boxes down by the others, and as we straighten, I stretch out my back and chuckle wryly. “Whew. I think half of these boxes are just books. I knew my addiction to romance novels would come back to haunt me one day.”
Reese laughs. “Don’t worry, I’ll build us more bookshelves to house our romance collection. Hell, maybe I’ll convert one of the extra rooms into a library. I have too much space anyway.”
“Are you serious?” I gasp, excitement filling me as I picture it.