Page 30 of Her Demon Mate
I cannot help feeling uneasy about the whole situation. When I used to live in New Solas when I was hunting the xaphan, I spent time creating my recon plans and missions.
I didn’t do things flying by the seat of my pants. I planned everything down to the last second, and that was why I never got caught.
But ever since I met Azron, I can’t seem to get him out of my mind. And all I really want to do is spend time with him.
But my mother deserves the vengeance I promised her. And I might like Azron, but I don’t like him enough to give up on revenge.
Iglance at the clock on the wall, eagerly counting down every second in anticipation of closing time. Like everyone else working a menial job, I can’t wait to get out of here for the evening, but my motivations are vastly different from anyone in this wretched city.
While other people are looking forward to getting piss drunk, I have murder on my mind. I’m pushing out final orders and serving my last handful of customers for the day, all in an effort to close up shop as soon as possible. For what I have planned, I’m going to need every minute I can spare.
“Here you are,” I say to a customer, handing them a bag of pastries. “Come again soon!”
“I’ll be back tomorrow.”
“Can’t wait to see you!” I chime, shooting a smile as they walk out the door.
As soon as they leave, the smile drops. I flip the sign on the door from open to closed, beginning the process of closing up shop.
I go about everything as quickly as I can manage, being mindful not to mess up. Tonnolun is a son of a bitch about mistakes, and I do not plan on walking into work tomorrow to be met with a barrage of complaints.
Once all is said and done, I leave and lock up the bakery. Pulling up my hood, I start my journey into the center of town, making my way directly to the xaphan embassy building.
A few minutes later, I’m watching the building from across the street, seated in a kaffo shop opposite the embassy.
It’s what I expected it to be, a gated location with armed guards posted out front. They shoot evil glares at all demons walking by, typical xaphan scum. Having surveyed the building long enough, I begin looking for a way in.
“They’re hardly going to welcome me with open arms,” I mutter. “I better look for an alternative way in.”
It was very early on in my xaphan-hunting days when I learned that there’s always a weak spot, even in a heavily guarded fortress. It wasn’t the first time I had to infiltrate such a place.
As I thought, I find a conveniently placed hole in the fencing around the rear and begin inching my way through it. I double-check to make sure I have my knife on me, just in case things go sour.
“I might be armed, but I need to exercise caution. If I’m seen then I’ll be done for.”
It’s a tough decision to consciously stay my blade, being that I’m the most bloodthirsty I’ve been in years. As I sneak through the grounds and watch the patrol guards from afar, I watch the faces of those who pass by.
They’re completely unaware of the killer hiding just a few feet away from them. I’m so livid and hungry for Zephon’s blood that I envision the guards’ dying faces, imagining using my dagger on them until they coughed up blood.
I accept just how messed up I am, but I’d rather be who I am than someone who runs away from delivering justice.
Being a human woman, my footsteps are incredibly light and masked by the sound of rain. From a hiding place, I spot an entry point into the building by way of the air vents running up the side of the embassy. The hole is big enough for me to fit through.
Soon, I’m inside the headquarters, maneuvering my way through the tight and narrow vents.Good thing I’m not claustrophobic.
I pass over several holes in the vents, allowing me to spy on those below. I come across a few offices, a canteen, and an armory. Eventually, I get to the end of the vents, and I have to hop down into what looks to be a conference room.
A few seconds after I land, the door to the room opens and I dive for cover behind a shelf. Several pairs of footsteps march right in. I peek my head out, eyeing a unit of guards huddling around something or someone.
They part, revealing the bastard Zephon. At the sight of him, images of my mother flash in my mind, tempting me to burst out and lunge for the xaphan then and there.
Don’t do it,says the voice in my head.You’ll be dead before you even reach him.
I curse the guards protecting him, but at least they do not see me here. I decide it best to remain still and see what intel I can uncover.