Page 33 of Her Demon Mate
“It’s okay, Azron,” she blurts out, grasping my hands in a reassuring manner. “Like you said, I was just here for dinner, but I got my times mixed up. I’m just tired today, that’s all. My mistake.”
“Right,” I mutter. I’m not fully convinced, but I have to return to the general. It’s not like I have the time to ask if she’s being truthful. “I would happily invite you inside, but I have someone from work waiting for me. If I keep him lingering around any longer then I won’t have time to get ready.”
“That’s fine,” she answers. “I’ll get going then. See you soon?”
“Yeah, come back in an hour. I’ll be ready for you then.”
She’s already backing away as I’m speaking. “Sure thing.”
With that, she spins around and practically breaks into a sprint. I shake my head in confusion.Just what is up with her?
I wonder if perhaps catching sight of General Gel’ged had thrown her off. I watch as she disappears around a corner before I step back into my apartment. The general doesn’t seem pleased that there was an interruption. I return the look of annoyance on his face.
“It’s about time you came back,” he hisses. “I don’t have all night to be waiting around for you and your girlfriends.”
“As if you’re not the one who decided to come here on my night off,” I growl. “So tell me, why are you here?”
He brandishes the file from earlier as if it’s a weapon and tosses it on the counter.
“This is for you, compliments of our friends down at the xaphan embassy,” he says.
“That explains the stench since you arrived.”
“It’s what they’ve got so far on this whole case.”
“So they’re still insisting we give them a hand, eh?”
“Apparently, they have reason to believe that the killer is in town. You need to get on this as soon as possible. Zephon and the rest of his men are up my ass about this whole situation. The sooner we rid ourselves of their presence, the better.”
“Very well,” I reply. “Now get out of here and let me enjoy my night off.”
Growling under his breath, Gel’ged pulls the collar of his trench coat and makes a swift but loud exit out of the door. After he leaves, I pull the file closer to me, flicking through the pages.
I pour myself a small flash of zhisk as I take a gander, gazing over reports of each murder. Accompanying them are pictures of all the victims. The details are grisly and there’s a lot to unpack.
“I better take a good look at this tomorrow. Right now, I’ve got more important things to be focusing on.”
I throw the file onto a small table in the living room. As I turn around, I’m hit with the smell of burning from my pot.
I rush to the pot, turning down the heat and giving the food a quick stir. I curse the general and his unwarranted visit for the fiasco. Thankfully, I’m able to salvage the food, taking it off the heat while I continue getting ready.
With not a lot of time remaining, I proceed quickly with cleaning up the place so that it is neat and presentable for Elia’s visit. I then jump into the shower to give myself a wash.
I walk into my bedroom, drying myself off. Tossing the towel aside, I pull out from my closet one of my finest silk shirts and trousers.
The whole time I’m getting dressed, I can’t help but think something is going on with Elia. She had seemed awfully cold during our brief interaction just a short while ago.
Could it be that she’s scared of me? Or maybe it’s that she despises my position in the military. Hmm… Either way, I better make sure she feels safe and at ease once she arrives.
I check myself in the mirror for any flaws in my appearance. Once all seems well, I let out a long exhale in an effort to calm my nerves.
I need to relax… This is a dinner date, not a damned interview. Things just went a little odd tonight. It's nothing to be overthinking about at all.
I get to work laying out the table for our meal. I set alight my fireplace and light some candles to set a romantic ambiance. I need everything to go right for me this evening.
Elia is the first woman I’ve seen of any species here that’s ever blown me away, not only with her good looks but her personality. Given my own appearance, it’s not hard for me to get some action but I’m not into some short-term type of deal – not with her, anyway.