Page 60 of Her Demon Mate
I look like a madman to others as I run by them. While I do my best to remain level-headed and rational in my pursuit of Elia, I know I could lose my mind should something happen to her. She’s been the only thing that’s made my life worth living over this past while, and there’s no way I’m about to let her get taken from me.
My hope wants to diminish as I scan my surroundings on every road I venture down. I reach the bakery, only to find it's closed for the day.
“Fuck,” I gasp, trying not to panic. “Where could she be?”
I bite down on my fist as I think of possibilities, but an interesting conversation nearby catches my attention.
“Did you see that xaphan parading down the street with his little band of goonies?”
“Yeah, bastard obviously thinks highly of himself. Must be one of those diplomats or something.”
Diplomatic xaphan? That could be Zephon. Elia’s bound to be looking for him!
I approach the demons as they continue slandering the xaphan. “You there! Where did you see the xaphan?” I ask.
“He came through this road about ten minutes ago, I’d say. He went in the direction of the market district.”
I spin around, taking off once again. Taking a left at the end of the street, I turn down the road leading to the markets. A large crowd of residents hustle and bustle between the many shops and stalls lining the sidewalk.
I squint my eyes, spotting a circle of spears poking up in the air. Peering closer, I spot the standout circular formation of xaphan, wearing their indistinguishable white attire.
“Zephon’s got to be amongst them, which can only mean Elia is here somewhere. I’d better get closer!”
I scan the innumerable crowd of demons, gorgons, and humans, unable to locate Elia as I push and weave my way through the masses. All the while, I keep an eye on the xaphan.
Elia is smaller than most people here, and she could spring up out of the crowd at any moment in an effort to attack Zephon. As I get closer, I notice him among the group and take note of just how heavily armed the soldiers are.
Elia will be killed if she goes for him. These troopers are elite, and if their sharp spears don’t get her first then their swords most certainly will. They surround Zephon in a protective effort.
It doesn’t take military expertise like mine to tell they’re impenetrable. To even start an offense against them would take strategy, courage, and a whole lot of luck.
At the very least, the sight of Zephon being alive meant that Elia is still alive and that I hopefully have more time to locate her.
I’m twenty feet or so away from his group when a sudden commotion breaks out up ahead. Everyone in the crowd turns to look at two demons fighting. The troopers push Zephon back, commanding him to hold his position while they make sure the area is clear of threats.
Zephon is alone. If Elia is here, she’s bound to strike!
That’s when I spot her, hunched over with a knife in her hand as she silently makes her way toward her target. I lunge forward, pushing others out of the way as she draws nearer to Zephon.
Even if she kills him now, there’s no way we could outrun six elite soldiers. She’s about to pounce on him when I grab her mid-air, pulling her back and down to the ground with all of my might.
Elia struggles and curses at me for a while, trying to worm her way out of my grip. A wave of guilt overcomes me, knowing that I’m yet again stripping her of the chance to fulfill whatever it is she’s set out to do.
I don’t fully understand her motives, at least not yet, but I’d feel a lot worse if I watched her get slaughtered in the street in the same manner that her mother did. Eventually, she stops squirming.
“I’m sorry, Elia. I can’t let you go through with this. I love you far too much to watch you die.”
She says nothing, only crying in response. I look around, noticing that some demons and gorgons have stopped to marvel at us as if we’re an attraction in a museum.
This is garnering far too much attention. I better get us both out of here.
I sweep Elia up into my arms. She’s no longer putting up a fight. Before I take off for my place, I look behind me, watching as Zephon walks off with his entourage.
Vylco is gone by the time I enter my house. I bring Elia to the bath, running it for her and setting her inside the tub. She remains shaken. I leave her be for a while, going off to prepare some tea and find a gown in her size.
When she finally comes out, I wrap her in a robe and escort her to the bedroom. I hand her the cup of tea and take a seat beside her. I say nothing, waiting for her to be the one to speak first. It stays that way for a while, and only when she finishes her drink does she talk.
“I went there knowing I would die.”