Page 25 of His to Claim
Taking gasping breaths, my eyes found it difficult to focus. Why the hell weren’t the injuries healing?Breathe and continue. Move on.
The forest was ripe with fresh kills, larger animals feasting on smaller ones, the way of all beasts. I dragged my tongue across my canines, my stomach rumbling from an entirely different kind of need. While I wouldn’t partake, another forbidden act, I would relish the moment.
Slowing, I padded toward the lake near the village, hoping to quench my thirst. I dropped my head, savoring the cool water sliding down my throat. At least some of the agony had subsided, my vision clearing. I took several deep breaths, thankful for the amount of air moving into my lungs. While the injuries were more significant than I’d originally thought, I would survive.
Then I would hunt and kill the fucker.
I sensed him, the same fucking wolf from before. Tossing my head to the side, I searched the darkness as I issued a warning snarl. No other pack was allowed on this turf.
Not if they wanted to live.
The moonlight allowed me to catch the fucker’s silhouette easily enough, the dark-haired wolf with a solid white streak from his forehead to his snout not one I’d seen while helping the Nightwalkers and Wolfen packs only a few months before. I was keenly aware of the other packs within close proximity of our protected city, had even met several of their members.
This was a lone and possibly rogue wolf, a true master of disguise.
In my mind, he was a direct threat to the pack.
I padded around the perimeter of the lake in order to get a better look. The wolf was definitely on Wolfen ground, hallowed by every other breed. They knew the rules and the danger of rebuking the allegiance that had been in place for centuries.
The wolf stood his ground, pawing at the earth before throwing back his head and issuing his own warning howl. The eerie sound was entirely different than I was used to, a threat in every regard.
If I were the man I’d been only months before, I would handle the situation my way without regard to consequences. I’d realigned with my old friends, promising peace no matter what occurred. Now I hated myself for the assurances made, although honor was still important.
When the wolf turned, racing off into the night, I knew he’d be back. If I didn’t know better, I’d say he’d been brought here by a human, someone who was targeting the Wolfen.
I remained where I was for a few minutes before continuing on my way. As I neared Max’s cabin, my muscles had finally relaxed, allowing for the transformation back into human form. As the change occurred, the pain once again turned into anguish, stealing my breath. I remained crouched on the ground, the agony even more blinding than it had been before. I was winded, the shift as well as the injury sapping my energy.
I had difficulty focusing, my eyesight much blurrier than it should have been. The moment I touched my chest, I doubled over, every cell in my body riddled from the intensity of the injuries. A normal clean gunshot would have allowed for almost immediate repair. Something was wrong, different bullets used.
I lifted my head, noticing the lights were on in Max’s house. While he’d limited his duties with the ATF, a career that had angered both his father and the elders, he was still proud of his involvement with enforcing the law.
Even if he was now considered a king.
Maybe he did have some freaking idea what the hell was going on.
I snorted as I rose to my full height, taking winded breaths before venturing toward the cabin. Fuck. I continued to stumble, forced to stop and rest twice. With any luck, his mate would be on duty, also serving law enforcement in her capacity as detective with the Denver Police Department.
The single knock was all I needed, the door opening quickly.
Maximillian Cordero was only an inch taller, but his prowess as well as his presence was formidable by all accounts.
Max took a deep breath, shifting his gaze around me before opening the door wider. “Jesus Christ, Stone. What the fuck happened?”
As I fell against him, losing my balance, I could barely formulate words. “A shooting but we have… issues.”
“Wait a minute,” he huffed, taking a deep whiff, his nostrils flaring. “Fuck! You shifted. What the hell is wrong with you and who did this to you?” He wrapped one arm around me, half carrying me to the couch, easing me down in front of the fire.
“I don’t… know. Lone… wolf,” I managed, able to hear the wheezing pushing up from my chest.
“A wolf. I don’t like this. You’re sweating like a pig,” Max muttered under his breath as he placed his palm over my forehead. “You’re running a fever. Just stay right the fuck here.”
Doubling over, I attempted to catch my breath as I heard the sound of glasses being pulled, liquor being poured. I waited to say anything until he returned, his glare harsh and cold.
“Shifting was… necessary,” I struggled to say. “A woman was about to be abducted or possibly killed.”
“A woman. Uh-huh. I guess you took the bullets for her. Goddamn it, Stone.” He took another deep and exaggerated whiff, growling after doing so. “While I am well aware that you have your own life, I didn’t know you were involved with a… female.”
“I’m not involved. She was… someone I used to know. She is…” I was thrown by a weird electricity shooting through me, my entire body on edge.