Page 61 of His to Claim
I froze as another sickening sensation rushed through me. I wasn’t alone.
“Vanessa. I’m surprised to see you out.”
His deep voice filled me with a new wave of anxiety, the closeness suffocating. He was behind me, yet his aura seemed larger than life. I braced myself for the onslaught of questions, turning slightly in order to face the very demon I’d feared. “Chris.”
He stood next to his dark and shiny Mercedes, his clothing matching the midnight black color perfectly. Even his eyes held a level of darkness accentuated by where he was standing. He was all male, reeking of testosterone and danger, his tight-fitting jeans and silk shirt only personifying his arrogance.
As sick as it sounded, he reminded me of Stone. The only difference was that Stone reeked of honor and integrity while Chris held an air of entitlement. I was suddenly sick to my stomach at the sight of him.
“I’m glad to see you’re doing well after your attack,” he said as his eyes raked over me lustfully.
I absently touched the side of my head, wincing from the slight ache that continued. “I’m fine. Thank you for your concern.” As if I cared.
“I understand one of the men who attacked you is still at large.” He finally pulled his gaze away, sliding his credit card in the appropriate slot on the pump.
How the hell would he even know that? Whatever connections he had must include the police department. “That’s unfortunately true, but the detectives have an accurate description. I’m certain it’s only a matter of time before he’s caught.”
“Hmmm… Interesting.” He drew the words out as if disbelieving. “I’m glad to hear that.”
“I will be at work tomorrow, so don’t worry. I’m feeling much better.” I could see the hint of a sneer on his face after I said the words. The anxiety heightened, turning into a real moment of fear. This wasn’t a part of town I could imagine him coming to for any reason. There were no bars or clubs, five-star restaurants or theaters of any kind, just mile after mile of small businesses and older homes.
“There’s no hurry, Vanessa. I want to have one hundred percent of your attention.” He seemed to linger prior to lifting the handle, retrieving the nozzle.
“I’m a strong woman, Chris. You have no idea what I’m capable of.”
He slowly tilted his head, his dark eyes glowing in the harsh lighting of the canopy. “Actually, I do. I know exactly what you’re made of.”
I was shocked how much his statement affected me, the husky sound reverberating like ball bearings pinging against my skin. “Then you know I always follow through with my assignments.”
Ten seconds passed. Twenty. He finally chuckled, the sound more like the husky vibe of a predator. “Yes.”
I pulled my attention away from him, studying the dollar amount of gas as it slowly poured into my tank. If the asshole thought he was going to scare me, he had another think coming. His veiled threats were getting old. When the pump clicked, I finally exhaled the deep breath I’d been holding, forcing my actions to seem at ease as I finished the transaction. “Good to see you, Chris. I hope you have a wonderful evening.”
“Do you know what I adore about you, Vanessa?” Chris asked in the kind of casual manner that made me want to dig my nails into his gorgeous face.
“I’m afraid to ask.” I refused to turn back in his direction, even though I was curious as to what he was going to say.
“You have a tenacity about you that’s rare, an almost desperate need to follow the rules. I demand that in those I work with, even more so with the women I care for. I would enjoy getting to know you on a more personal level. Your surrender would be… incredible.”
Surrender. My skin was instantly clammy, my face flushing even as my anger level increased. The man was exceptionally good at asserting his authority, his arrogance and superiority handled brilliantly.
I kept my cool as I turned to face him one last time. “Surrendering isn’t in my vocabulary, Chris, although I appreciate the compliments. I learned a long time ago that in order to get everything I wanted in life, I had to be in full control.”
He seemed more amused than anything, giving me a nod of respect. “Touché, Ms. Bridges. Completely understood. I also hope that you have a pleasant evening.” He sniffed the air as he scanned the perimeter. “Be safe. Just remember that there are creatures of all types hunting at all hours of the day and night.”
The threat was real. “I’ll keep that in mind.” I was shaking as I climbed into my car even as I kept the plastic smile on my face. The fucker wasn’t going to get to me. No way.Damn it.As soon as I drove out of the parking lot, I glanced into the rearview mirror. The asshole was still watching me.
My grip on the steering wheel tightened as I pulled to a stop at a red light. I bit back a moan as I studied my GPS. I was closer to Randy’s address. All the small homes had seen better days, the need for TLC screaming even in the ugliness of the streetlights. Still, I went around the block before I was convinced Chris hadn’t followed, even pulling over to the side of the road for a few minutes.
At least the action allowed my nerves to calm down.
As I turned onto Randy’s street, I couldn’t help but feel sad for him. From what I’d read, he’d been highly acclaimed, a reporter on the rise. This was the worst street in the neighborhood, the tiny houses barely enough for a single person. While every one of them had a fairly large yard, they were all overgrown as if no one had taken care of them for years.
Randy’s house was no exception.
At least he’d left his front porch light on. As I pulled into the driveway, I couldn’t get over the same eerie feeling that had been with me since I’d left my condo. Someone was watching me. I was almost certain. I slid the gun inside my purse, taking my time to look out every window before easing out onto the cracked driveway.
Even the light breeze made me jumpy, the branches of the overgrown trees hitting gutters in almost every direction. Swallowing, I turned in a full circle before heading toward the front door. I was thankful I only had to knock twice.