Page 71 of His to Claim
“Unless you have something stronger.” She walked inside the room while I fought to control my beast, pushing away the burning desire to remain as my wolf.
“Tequila?” I asked, unable to turn around and face her.
“A shot would be nice. I’ll also take that beer,” Vanessa said with almost no emotion. There was no tremor of fear in her voice or even a hint of anger. Just… nothing.
I finished off the rest of my brew, tossing the bottle over my shoulder into the trash and grabbing two more out of the refrigerator. I was finally forced to face her, the hard thud as I placed the bottles on the counter causing no reaction from her. After grabbing two shot glasses, I reached under the counter, yanking out the bottle of tequila, pouring both full. “A woman after my own heart.” As I pushed the bottle of beer and glass in her direction, she didn’t hesitate, taking the shot within seconds followed by several gulps of beer.
She closed her eyes, purring slightly before wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. As she moved closer, I could feel such energy within her, a vibrancy I hadn’t anticipated.
I took the shot, savoring the burn as I eased the glass down once again.
Her eyes never left mine as she poured two more shots, lifting her glass as if in a toast. “To the beasts of the night.”
I had no idea what to make of her statement or the way her entire body was aroused, her hard nipples pressing against her sweater, the scent of her pussy unmistakable.
Vanessa licked the rim of the glass, pursing her lips together. “I needed that.”
There was an odd tension between us, a moment where my entire body stiffened, including my cock. She seemed to sense my desire, a slight smile curling on her face.
“Can you read my mind?”she asked without opening her mouth.
This time, her eyes opened wide and she took several steps away, her expression bursting with horror. “How?” Her voice continued to have an edge.
“Because of our connection.” I said the words simply, without any inflection. Even as I watched her limited reaction, I could feel her ravaging emotions, the myriad questions that kept her on edge.
“I don’t get any of this, why I can understand you or how there are beasts walking amongst humans. Creatures of the night. Wolves ready to rip people apart. I have to be insane to accept what I witnessed.”
“Yet you’ve already embraced the truth. Is it so difficult to believe that humans aren’t the only species with intelligence on this earth?”
Vanessa wrinkled her nose. “No, but I can’t believe that there hasn’t been more information about you or any other wolf breed for that matter.”
“Wolves are loners by design and there are also rules to follow, ones that must not be broken.” I tilted my head, taking shallow breaths.
“And why are you and I so close?”
The only answer to provide was the truth. “Because you are my mate.” Her scattered breaths nearly ripped me apart.
“Because you are Wolfen.”
I chuckled softly, pouring us both another shot. “Yes. I am Wolfen.”
“It’s not funny, Stone. I’m confused as hell and I’m honestly no longer certain whether I want to find any answers.”
“I’m not laughing and you’re right, nothing about this is funny. You already knew the truth years ago even though you found it difficult to believe. Whatever brought you here has everything to do with confirming the dreams you’ve mentioned, the deep hunger to find answers you’ve been seeking your entire life. That’s why you don’t seem surprised, only curious as to why you’ve longed for something you couldn’t explain. Tell me I’m wrong.”
She pursed her mouth, blinking several times. “I don’t believe it. I refuse to accept that there are monsters living among humans. There has to be another explanation.”
“For why men can turn into beasts or why your desires have intensified since you came back to Denver?” I allowed my voice to carry a whisper of a growl, the yearning building deep inside.
“Both,” she admitted as she inched even closer to the counter, twirling her glass back and forth. “And you’re right, I won’t acknowledge what my mind refuses to believe without the full truth. I can’t. I’m a damn attorney. How can I accept anything less?”
“Then don’t.”
“Where’s my gun?”
Another question I hadn’t anticipated. “I have it in my office.”