Page 86 of His to Claim
“Playing a game.”
“I think so,” I said quietly, staring out onto the scruffy lawn, one I hadn’t bothered to care for. Nothing had really mattered with regards to my cabin until now. While Roselake had been my home the majority of my life, I’d never really established roots, at least not of my own making.
“While that may be so, what this wolf is doing is threatening our entire community. We can’t allow that to happen. I obviously couldn’t contain the scene of the murder, which means the speculation is going to start all over again about what is loose in the streets of Denver. The only reason I even found out about it this time was a buddy of mine over in the seventh precinct. He knew the lieutenant who was killed and I went way back a few years. The questions are already starting amongst the ranks given the condition of the body, let alone the excessive amount of blood. The damn press will be all over this.”
“Jesus Christ. Any connection to the Montenegros?”
“Lieutenant Bigalo didn’t own stock in any corporation that the Montenegros are interested in. He also had no part of the arrest or subsequent case against Chris Montenegro that Trevor Holland was prosecuting.”
“Which means a dead end as far as the connections.”
“I have a fuck load of searching to do, but I have to be careful about asking too many questions. I’m already getting shit from the deputy director of the ATF for interfering with an ongoing investigation with regard to Trevor and Carter. I got a serious reaming out that lasted for thirty minutes this morning.”
I snorted, darting a glance in his direction. “How the hell would anyone find out you were asking questions? Did Kathleen mention it to someone?”
“You know better than to ask that. The ME must have seen us at the morgue. That’s the only thing I can figure. I’m frustrated as fuck, Stone. You know how I am. I have a list of the possible victims based on my original summation, but at this point, I’m not certain my instincts were right. This might not have a single thing to do with Montenegro or he could be the most cunning fuck in the entire world. I keep coming back to the question of why would he bother with an elaborate scheme?”
“He’s cunning all right, but he’s never gotten his hands dirty. Maybe he has a hidden agenda we aren’t aware of. Maybe his father is behind this, especially given his connection with Blackhawk. Now that your father is gone, maybe he’s the one with a score to settle.” I expected Max to bristle but he simply eyed me briefly before nodding, obviously resigned to the possibility.
“You’re right about Chris never getting his hands dirty. That’s been a huge problem for prosecutors for years. Thomas was far less inclined to use other people in his extermination efforts. I have no idea why my father believed him to be a friend,” Max said half under his breath.
“We’ve all had our doubts about being Wolfen, Max, including you. Give your father a break. He was an extraordinary leader.”
The smile crossing Max’s face was genuine, but his face almost instantly clouded. “The guns were recovered from the scene at Vanessa’s condo. At this point, no one is questioning the bullets, but I fear that’s only a matter of time as well.”
“That doesn’t mean they’ll lead to the pack.”
“Maybe. Maybe not.” Max stared off into the distance. “From what I heard, Chris did make certain he was seen last night. He went to several bars, had dinner with friends.”
I nodded. “A damn good alibi.” I heard the hitch in his voice and shifted my gaze. “What?”
“He was also spotted with Vanessa.”
“Yeah, she told me. Evidently he threatened her in his subtle way.”
Max sniffed, leaning further over the railing. “You sure about that? From what my soldiers said, they seemed to be mighty chummy.”
“What the fuck are you insinuating?”
“I’m not insinuating anything, Stone, but you have to accept the possibility that she’s working with him.”
“For what reason?”
“Maybe to gather more information. I don’t know.”
I reared back, snarling. “Yeah, well, you might change your tune when you know what’s in my possession.”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“The bastard could have several reasons for wanting our people dead and I think we might have a way of getting closer,” I offered.
I shoved my fingers into my jeans, holding up the bright orange drive. “Vanessa secured this from Montenegro’s computer. She says it has damning information on several extortion attempts including several influential contacts. We might be able to narrow down what we’re dealing with.”
Max exhaled as he took it from my hand. “Very interesting. Depending on what she managed to obtain, I may be able to pull some strings and have Chris arrested.”
I lifted an eyebrow as I studied his face. “My guess is you’d be labeled a hero.”