Page 91 of His to Claim
“Stone, you need to listen to me and remain silent. What I’m going to tell you is… difficult.”
I listened and I heard. The ramifications were clear.
And they were terrifying.
Why did the word continually cross my mind? Why were every one of my senses so alive, my body riddled with anguish and fear? I knew damn good and well I was safe in the city. There were wolves everywhere. I didn’t need to see them to know I was surrounded.
I could feel them.
I could smell them.
My skin crawled at the realization.
Had I actually accepted the fact wolves did exist, that my entire world as I’d known it had been the fairytale, not the other way around?
I rubbed my aching eyes, the headache almost blinding.
You’ve known the truth almost your entire life.
The little voice wasn’t doing anything but creating bile in my throat. I’d been the dreamer, the notion of beautiful creatures stalking the night as riveting as it had been haunting, but I’d always believed.
Stone had somehow managed to turn my nightmares into something else entirely, the kind of longing that never seemed satisfied. My mouth was dry, my heart racing just thinking about him.
About our connection.
A series of quivers shifted down my spine, sliding directly into my pussy. I’d released my own inner beast with Stone, had given him a taste of the very woman who I’d locked in chains. And I’d enjoyed every second of the raw passion.
I palmed the glass, the warmth of the sun tickling my fingers, the coffee I’d made tasting bitter. Only fifteen minutes had passed, yet it was enough that I was antsy as hell. I already missed him even though his scent covered every inch of me, the material of the tee shirt rubbing back and forth across my nipples until they ached. He’d been rough the night before, refusing to allow me even a moment of control.
And I’d loved every minute of it.
I’d remained at the window, watching Stone drive away, the roar of the Harley vibrating throughout my body. I’d overheard a small portion of his conversation with Max, their concerns increasing regarding the murders. There was no doubt in my mind that Chris was behind them.
I also had no doubt the horrible man had murdered my father. The crap I’d uncovered meant nothing to me. Not a single thing. Did I hope the man fried in the electric chair? Honestly, in my mind, that was far too good for him. If Chris thought he was going to scare me off, he had another think coming. However, he would provide answers.
As I paced the floor, I couldn’t get the visions of the wolf out of my head. Everyone assumed the beast was working for Montenegro. My sixth sense told me otherwise. Maybe I was the one who somehow needed to prove it.
The same nagging remained, clawing at my mind. I needed my computer in order to satisfy the ugly thought. That would mean leaving the safety net, defying Stone. I closed my eyes, envisioning my lover’s face, brushing my fingers across my lips. He’d told me loved me, words I’d never expected to hear.
The moment of delicious desire was interrupted with thoughts about the beast wolf. Stone had been furious the wolf had called me his mate, horrified that I’d been able to read his mind.
As if the sentiment was true.
How the hell could that be?
At this moment, all I wanted to do was rip the other wolf’s throat out.
My thought made me laugh. As if I could do a damn thing against the wolf. Disgusted, a cold chill shifted down my arms, forcing me to brush my fingers up and down aimlessly. I could also feel Stone’s touch, his heated breath as it cascaded across my skin. Jesus. I was overwhelmed by a desire that couldn’t adequately be explained.
Yes, it can. You’re his mate.
I shoved it aside, turning sharply, my thoughts drifting back to what little of the conversation I’d heard between the two men. I was keenly aware Stone hadn’t told me everything. While I knew in my gut that I was safe here, I also realized I’d feel a hell of a lot better if I kept my gun with me.