Page 115 of Temptation
I drove across town in a daze, not realizing where I was headed until I pulled up to my mom’s condo. Her car wasn’t in her spot, so I took the elevator up to her floor and took a seat at the kitchen table, waiting. Thinking. Crying.
I didn’t realize how late it had gotten until the front door opened. Mom and Joe entered the condo, their laughter so light and joyful compared to how I felt.
“Kendall?” she asked, coming to my side. “Honey, are you okay?”
“I-I—” I gazed down at my lap, wondering if I’d made a mistake. And not just in coming here.
She furrowed her brow. “I’ll start some coffee.”
“I, uh—” I let out a heavy sigh. “No thanks to the coffee.”
“What?” She jerked her head back, her expression one of alarm. “Now I’m really worried.” She said it in a teasing tone, but I knew she was serious.
“I’m going to run to the store and grab us some ice cream,” Joe said. “I’m craving something sweet.”
“Thanks.” Mom kissed his cheek, and then we were alone.
As soon as the door closed, I started crying again.
“Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” She took the seat next to mine, wrapping her arm around my shoulder. “Whatever it is, you can tell me. I will always be here for you. And I willalwayslove you.”
“I’ve been lying to you.” The words were garbled, but she understood them all the same.
“About what?” she asked. Her tone was filled with nothing but love.
“Jude.” I took a deep breath then said, “I’m sorry, Mom. Jude and I never got back together.”
“You mean you had sex without a relationship?” she said it in a faux British accent that mocked the idea. “So what?” She lifted a shoulder. “You wouldn’t be the first person in history to fall back into bed with an ex.”
“No. Jude and I weren’t together in any sense. At least, not as more than friends, and even that…”
“But all this time… All these months, I thought you two…” She furrowed her brow. “I don’t understand. Jude came to visit at the hospital. He paid my medical expenses. He’s been there for you.”
I took a deep breath and braced myself for her reaction. I prepared myself for shock. Disappointment. Confusion. “Jude didn’t pay them. Knox did.”
She furrowed her brow. “Jude’s dad?”
I nodded, trying to gauge her reaction.
“Why would he do that?”
“Because he loves me.” I started crying.
Her eyes widened. “What?”
“And I love him. I’m in love with Jude’s dad.”
“Holy…” She promptly closed her mouth.
Mom’s earlier words only made me feel worse for not telling her. “I’m sorry. For keeping this secret from you. For lying, but…”
“Kendall, sweetheart—” She stopped and turned to face me. “Were you worried about how I’d react?”
I focused on my hands as if they were the most interesting thing in the world. “Maybe. Yeah.”
“I would never judge you, sweetheart.” She cupped my face. “You know that.”
“I know, but we’ve been through so much. And you were so happy when you thought Jude and I were back together. And I…I didn’t know how to tell you.”