Page 106 of Undeniable
“I love you too.” She sniffled. “Now, go.” She gave me a playful shove, quickly swiping away a tear.
When I reached security, I turned back to look at her one last time. She stood there with her heart on her sleeve and love in her eyes. I could’ve never expected this—her, any of it.
If you’d told me six months ago that I’d meet a girl online and fall for her sight unseen, I would’ve laughed. But here I was, leaving my heart behind.
“Come in. Take a seat,” Seth said without glancing up from his computer.
A week had passed since the attack, and my life had gone back to normal. Well, almost normal. Luna and I had moved in with my dad—temporarily and at his insistence.
It hadn’t taken much convincing from him or Connor. Every time I tried to picture returning to my house—sleeping there alone—I couldn’t do it. I wondered if I’d ever look at my bed or the barstool the same again. If I’d ever be able to make coffee without memories of George plaguing me. Even just thinking his name made me shudder.
He might have been sent back to his homeland, but I had a feeling that morning would haunt me for a long time. Fortunately, I’d been finding ways to distract myself. Connor and I had continued our daily conversations—a mix of texting, emailing, and talking on the phone. And we’d had phone sex several more times.
I’d also returned to work full time, just in time for my performance appraisal. I sat across from Seth, crossing my legs at the ankle while I waited for him to finish whatever he was working on. My phone buzzed in my lap, and I discreetly glanced down at the screen.
Connor: You’ve got this, Goody. I love you.
I smiled to myself.Only six more days until I got to see him. I couldn’t wait.
Seth finally stopped typing. He turned to me, fingers steepled. “Let’s talk about this past year.”
“Sure.” I opened my notebook. I tucked my hair behind my ear as I scanned my notes. “I’d say that Spines for Soldiers was my biggest contribution.”
He nodded, his expression giving nothing away. So, I continued talking. “I’m sure you’ve already glanced over the figures, but they don’t show the full extent of the program’s success. In addition to increased book sales from that demographic, we have garnered ourselves immense goodwill among the military community and the community at large. We’ve received a ton of positive press about the program. And participants have reported a high satisfaction with their experience.”
“Excellent,” he said. “It was a great idea. But it was onlyoneidea. In the same time, Nicole has produced and executed three.”
I gripped the edge of my notebook. “I think if you look at the complexity of those programs in relation to Spines for Soldiers, you’ll see that Spines for Soldiers was a massive undertaking.”
“It was a large program, true.” Seth shuffled some papers on his desk. “Unfortunately, there’s the matter of the biography you failed to secure.”
I checked the urge to roll my eyes.Seriously?
I’d already come this far. It was time to speak up for myself. It seemed minuscule in comparison to being held at gunpoint. And regardless of what happened today, I knew I’d be okay.
“I’m not sure what that has to do with my ability to perform my job,” I said. “And frankly, I think it’s inappropriate that you asked me to contact my father about it.”
He leaned forward, resting his elbows on the desk. “Since you’re an employee of Igloo, it’s in your best interest to do everything to help this company. You failed to secure the biography—”
“Acquisitions have never been part of my job description. And even if they were, it wouldn’t be my fault if an author declined an offer.”
“Perhaps it wasn’t part of your role in the past. But your job description includes a section about ‘any other duties assigned to the employee by their supervisor.’” He slid a paper across the desk to me, and there it was in black and white. “It was assigned to you by your supervisor, therefore it was your responsibility.”
I shook my head, seething. “I’ve always done everything you’ve asked of me and more. I’ve always gone above and beyond, putting my heart and soul into this job.”
“Does going above and beyond include violating company procedure?”
Violating company procedure? What the heck is he talking about?
“The Spines for Soldiers program,” he continued, understanding dawning on me, along with a sick feeling. “You weren’t supposed to communicate outside the designated email, let alone meet your pen pal at a non-sanctioned event.”
I opened my mouth to protest, but I knew it was pointless. Seth’s smug grin told me he was confident he had me. I wondered how he’d found out. I wondered if someone in the office had told him.
Either way, it didn’t really matter. Yes, I’d broken the rules. And I’d do it all again just to be with Connor. Spines for Soldiers opened my eyes to my potential and what I had to offer. Spines for Soldiers, but more importantly, Connor. And I didn’t need this job.
“You know what?” I stood, smoothing down my skirt. “I quit.” I made my way over to the door.